Invention Notes

  • What makes the situation a crisis?
    • Cyber bullying is a crisis because it causes kids to harass each other not only in person but over the internet as well. They find it easier to talk to each other online rather than face to face so it is easier for them to be meaner over the internet. Cyber bullying can lead to physical bullying and even a rise in teenage suicide rates. Cyber bullying also ruins your self esteem.
  • What are the possible outcomes? (What could happen if nothing is done? What could happen if people make the wrong decision?)
    • The possible outcomes are a loss in confidence, physical bullying, or even suicide. If nothing is done and people make the wrong decisions it may lead to a bad outcome not only for the victim but the victims family as well. Anyone can be hurt by cyber bullying.
  • Who or what caused the crisis? How did the situation evolve into a crisis?
    • People who feel bad for themselves and want someone to feel just as bad as they do usually start cyber bullying. Someone’s pain is another’s suffering. If a bully is forced to go through something bad they want someone else to just feel as bad or even worse than they do. Because a bully can’t solve their own issues, they create issues for an innocent person. Cyber bullying started to evolve into a crisis when kids began to commit suicide or hurting themselves to take away the pain of being bullied.
  • When might it climax? (Or go to the point of no return?)
    • It may climax when suicide rates in teenagers and kids begin to rise after cyber bullying becomes more common. With social networking sites such as myspace, facebook, and twitter kids are more capable of harassing one another online.
  • What can be done to resolve the crisis?
    • Limited access to the internet for kids of a certain age. Or talks in school about bullying or cyber bullying. Having kids listen to stories of cyber bullying and its outcomes may help. I think that bullying will always be occurring and there is no way to completely stop it but by working to keep teaching kids about its affects may help.


Comments (1)

mgrohowSeptember 23rd, 2011 at 8:57 am

These are excellent invention notes, Sarah!

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