
Congratulations to Aliya, Max, and Jasmine for earning their Bachelor of Science degree with honors from BGSU, April 2024. It was great having you in the lab!

Soil samples collected by the Fall 2022 Introduction to Microbiology students – the different types are clearly visible!

Wildschutte and Larsen Lab members at OBASM 2022. Jerry (third from right) presented a poster on his research.

Wildschutte/Larsen Lab Group, Fall 2022: Eric Hibbets, Jeremiah Adesanya, Tyler Lenoy, Mackenna Starr, Lauren Greenwell, Ellie Behling, and Donovan Roberts

Mackenna at the BGSU CURS Symposium, April 2022

Thanksgiving, Nov 2021

Nick is recognized at a BGSU football game for his military service, Sept 2021

Nick and Dr. Kevin Neves isolating bacteria from our aquaponics system, July 2021

Lab members, May 2021

Kaylee and Lexi presenting their poster at the Molecular Biology and Phage Conference in Madison, WI, July 2019.

Friday night BGSU ASM Executive Board Meeting, January 2018

BGSU ASM Executive Meeting_Jan 2018

Joe presenting his poster at ASM Microbe in New Orleans, June 2017.


Joe not presenting at ASM Microbe in New Orleans, June 2017.

The Ohio Branch ASM Meeting, April 2017


Filming production in the lab, Fall 2016


Cedar Point, Summer 2016

Cedar Point 2016

Summer 2016, from left to right: Elizabeth Davis, Payel Chatterjee, Joe Basalla, Mahnur Khan, Emily Verbrugge, and Britney Eggly.

Lab 2016

Payel presenting her poster at ASM 2014 in Boston, MA.

Stephen presenting his poster at the 2015 Oomycete Molecular Genetics Network meeting in Monetary Bay, CA.
Stephen Norris at the Oomycete Molecular 2015 Genetics Network Meeting in Monetary Bay, CA

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