wesleyp's blog

October 1st, 2010

Reflective Journal – Week 6 (LRND5660)

Posted by wesleyp in LRND5660  Tagged ,    

This week I completed my third, and so far best, Prezi on John Keller. Even though each Prezi is a huge clean slate to drop content anywhere, I feel like I am now able to create more organized presentations. I wish I could be bold and say that Prezi was my favorite new tool so far, but XMind and Jing are both amazing too!

I really enjoyed researching John Keller and his ARCS model; not only did I learn a lot, but this is the second theorist that I’ve researched and I find it amazing that I agree with a lot of the findings from both. To describe the foundation of the ARCS model in one word, it would be motivation. It is about using teaching techniques t keep the students motivated and engaged by using relevant information so they can learn effectively.

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