Approximately 60 billion emails are sent everyday by 1.3 billion email users (this doesn’t include spammessages). This is a testament to the power of internet communication. Email has become such a normal method of communication, that a majority of colleges, upon enrollment at their University, assign students their own email address to coincide with their individual school web portal (which normally contains information about the student’s classes financial aid etc.). Email is great for CME because it allows a direct line of communication between students and teachers, as well as students and their peers, outside of a formal class setting. The same holds true for online chat/messengers. However, online messengers provide us students with what we have become so accustomed to growing up in this age of information, instant gratification. Because both people who will be using the messenger must be online at the same time, you get realtime answers to questions you may have. Its also great when working on group projects.