Motivators for writing daily

Sometimes we all need a kick in the pants. Share tools that will help.

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BGSU Profiles – Current and Past Librarians

We want to know about your online presence, publications and presentations, past and present. Create a post with your name and then link it here.

Susannah Cleveland, Head of the Music Library and Sound Recordings Archives. · 419-372-9929

Gwen Evans, Coordinator of Library Information and Emerging Technologies. 419-372-8664

Amy Fry

Amy Fyn, Reference and Instruction Librarian. ·  419.372.2869

Libby Hertenstein

Linda Kramer, Head Librarian, Curriculum Resource Center 419.372.7909

Vera Lux

Joelle Thomas
Associate Librarian

Kellie Tilton

Liz Tousey

Kathy Yoder

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Conference Reviews

Without a formal space and place to “report out” or share with others either within or outside our departments, much of what we learn and experience at conferences stays with the individual. That stops here. Tell us where you went, what you saw, what was intriguing, and what made you think.

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Gwen Evans

Online Presence


Evans, Gwen. 2012 “Omeka and”  The Charleston Advisor, Vol 13 (3): 39-44.

Evans, Gwen. 2011. “Using Student Staff to Drive Library Technology Innovation in Tough Economic Times.” The Frugal Librarian: Thriving in Tough Economic Times. Carol Smallwood, editor. Chicago: American Library Association. .

Evans, Gwen and Kellie Tilton. 2011.”Creating an Un-Library Catalog: A Case Study in Managing Satellite Collections.” Library Resources & Technical Services. Vol 55(1):45-53

Evans, Gwen. 2010 “The Library After Dark: Creating a Graphic Novel for the Promotion of Collections and Service,” in Weiner, Robert G. (ed), Graphic novels and comics in libraries and archives: essays on readers, research, history. Jefferson, N.C.: Mcfarland.

Evans, Gwen, and Susannah Cleveland. 2008 “Moody Blues: The Social Web, Tagging, and Nontextual Discovery Tools for Music.” Music Reference Services Quarterly.  11: 177-201. Article won the Best Paper Award, Volume 11, Music Reference Services Quarterly.


November 2011 “Peer Mentoring For New Librarians: Transformation of a Tenure Support Group” Panel Moderator, Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) Annual Conference 2011. 4 November, Toledo OH.

November 2011 “SSIG Program: Planning Your Digital Resource Commons and Institutional Repository: What Do You Need to Know?” Panel Moderator, Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) Annual Conference 2011. 4 November, Toledo OH.

October 2011 “The OhioLINK Digital Resource Commons: Developing Effective Working Relationships and Processes” Poster Session, Educause National 2011, 18th -21st October, Philadelphia PA. Co-presenters: Jim Jacob and John Davison.

June 2011  “Lost in Translation: the Emerging Technology Librarian and the New Technology” Panelist, ALA Annual 2011, June 26th,  New Orleans LA.

October 2010 “Crowdsourcing the Archive, Cloudsourcing the Capture: Using Omeka for Collaborative Digital Archives and Exhibits on Campus” (pdf of slides) LITA National Forum 2010, September 30-October 3, Atlanta, GA.

June 2010. “What Are Libraries Doing About Emerging Technologies?” Panelist, LITA Program, American Libraries Association National Conference 2010, Washington D.C

March 2010 BGSU on WordPress Mu: A One-stop Campus Shop for Blogs, Database-driven Websites, and Catalogs. Presentation at Educause Midwest 2010: Focus on the New Realities. Chicago, Illinois. Co-presenters Terence Armentano and Kellie Tilton.

March 2008  “Hi-Tech, Hi-Touch, Low Cost: Library Instructional Tools Across a First Year Experience Program,” Presentation at the Ohio Digital Commons for Education 2008 Conference: The Convergence of Learning, Libraries, and Technology, Columbus, Ohio. Co-presenter, Colleen Boff.

October 2007  “Making Good by Making Do: A Model for Web-Based Technology Innovation Using Limited Resources,” Presentation at the Academic Library Association of Ohio 33rd Annual Conference: Innovation Generation: Tools, Techniques, Transformations, Columbus, Ohio.

October 2007  “Success Plans for Faculty Librarians: Mentorship or Busy Work?” Presentation at the Academic Library Association of Ohio 33rd Annual Conference: Innovation Generation: Tools, Techniques, Transformations. Columbus, Ohio. Co-Presenters, Sara Bushong and Susannah Cleveland.

October 2007 “Moody Blues: The Social Web, Tagging, and Non-Textual Discovery Tools for Music” Presentation at the Music Library Association Midwest, 66th Annual Chapter Meeting(pdf), Cincinnati, Ohio, October 11-13, 2007. Co-Presenter, Susannah Cleveland.

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