“Scream 4” Countdown: Could this be the Bloodiest One??


Ghostface is working harder these days. He's coming home with his work still on him.

It has become no secret that Wes Craven is a fan of pouring blood and gore into his films. But, there have been a couple of new Scream 4 pics that have even surprised me.

The basis for the first three films in the series was all about rules. What are the rules for surviving a horror movie and how do those rules change with the sequels?

The first film broke ground, establishing itself as a fresh and exciting horror movie that reinvigorated the genre. It combined all elements of terror and suspense with tons of blood. But, it did it in a way that didn’t seem like it was trying to be TOO gory. And, if I must say, it did it well.

I mean, who doesn’t remember the classic Drew Barrymore death scene?

It was perhaps the most epic and brutal opening to any horror film in history. It was fresh and unique and man, was it BLOODY!

Though, that was really the only scene in the film I could find that really showed a lot of the blood and guts normally associated with modern day slasher flicks.

However, as the sequels came, the rules changed (Just as Jamie Kennedy predicted they would); and with those new rules, came more violence, more carnage and more victims.

Now, the tag-line for Scream 4 reads: New Decade, New Rules. And that looks to be just what Wes Craven and his team are doing. Instead of using the John Carpenter-type method of terror and suspense, the filmmaker seems to be focusing on the more modern, Saw-type approach. And it is already shaping up to be the most violent, gory film in the series. Just look at one of the newest pictures released by Dimension Films.

Could this be what the whole movie is going to look like?

All I know is, I'd hate to be the guy cleaning that up.

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One Response to “Scream 4” Countdown: Could this be the Bloodiest One??

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