TCOM Panel: Transition in Ohio: Challenges to Consumers and the TV Industry

The Department of Telecommunications will organize a digital TV transition panel on Feb 4.  As you may know, all full power TV stations must switch to digital broadcast and turn off their analog signals by Feb 17.  This is an historic moment and our event can generate a lot of media publicity with our focus in Ohio.  Details of the panel is below.  All are welcome to attend.

Title: Digital Television Transition in Ohio:  Challenges to Consumers and the TV Industry

February 4, Wednesday, 4:30 p.m. BTSU Theatre

Moderator:  Pat Fitzgerald, General Manager, WBGU-TV

Industry Speakers

–     Christine Merritt, Executive Director, Ohio Association of Broadcasters:  Digital TV Transition in Ohio: An Overview.

–     Pat Deville, President and General Manager of Erie County Cablevision, Ohio Cable Television Association:  Digital Must Carry – the debate and how it will affect consumers and TV stations in Ohio

–    Bob Chirdon, Vice President and General Manager, and Steve Crum, Chief Engineer, WTOL:  The implementation of DTV transition by WTOL-Toledo

Academic Speakers:

–    Dr. Louisa Ha, Professor and Acting Chair, Dept. of Telecommunications:  Ohio TV stations’ digital TV education efforts and business models

–     Dr. Sung-Yeon Park, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Telecommunications DTV readiness of Northwest Ohio residents and WBGU-TV Viewers

WBGU-TV recorded the event and stream the event
Link to the event video:

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