Archive for November, 2011

Virtual Worlds and Online Learning

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

I enjoyed reading all my students’ reviews of virtual worlds and online learning using these resources:

Plus, they all viewed presentations from the K-12 online conference to learn more about online learning:

I think students have a better understanding of all the resources they may include in their own Personal Learning Networks just from these three assignments.

Looking forward to Julie’s presentation Monday evening. Julie is a busines tecnology teacher with the Ohio Virtual Academy.



My Screencast Example

Friday, November 18th, 2011

BGSU Students are the Best!

Monday, November 14th, 2011

My students are feverishly working on a team project on using social media tools in education–how these tools are connected to the 21st Century Learning Skills and the importance of these skills in the workplace.

I am impressed with their team skills and dedication.  Anxiously awaiting the team presentations.

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