
Aerobiquerque – Week 3

Hello HealthTrip Travelers!

Before you step on the track or treadmill, step into the right shoe. Do a bit of “sole searching” by choosing and wearing the right type of shoe for your chosen exercise, and save yourself aches and pains later. Trying to sneak into a cheap pair of shoesonly puts the brakes on your fitness program in the long run. To add a little bounce to your exercise routine—and reduce your risk of injury—check out these tips for finding the right shoe for you:

  •  Have both feet measured and sized for the shoe.
  • Shop for shoes toward the end of the day when your feet are largest.
  • Be sure to wear the same socks you plan to wear when exercising.
  • Fit the shoe to the larger of your two feet.
  • Select a shoe that provides at least ½-inch of space from the longest toe to the end of the shoe.
  • Be certain you can freely wiggle your toes in the shoes.
  • Choose a shoe in which the heel grips firmly without slipping or rubbing.

Fun with Fitness – Strength Training 101!

In addition to regular aerobic activity, strength training is a key component of overall health and fitness. Get stronger, leaner and healthier with the attached Strength Training 101 document.

 HealthTrip Resources

  • Confused with logging your Frequent Mover Miles?  View the attached sample log for an example of how to log your activity.  If you have any questions, contact Taylor at tnewlov@bgsu.edu
  • Don’t forget that you have until February 28 to collect as many “Frequent Mover Miles” as possible.  Record your miles on your Travel Journal and send your completed log to Taylor at tnewlov@bgsu.edu by March 1.  All travelers who submit their travel log for Aerobiquerque are entered in a raffle for a Heart Rate Monitor!  Travelers who earn at least 600 Frequent Mover Miles during the month of February receive two entries.
  • Remember to bookmark and check out the Rec Well Wire blog for weekly updates and additional resources to assist you on your HealthTrip journey.

Aerobiquerque Activities

  • We have one more exciting activity planned while in Aerobiquerque so mark your calendars for the following excursion. Participating in any of the Aerobiquerque activities helps you earn five additional bonus miles!

 Move-It Monday!  February 24, 12:15-1:00 PM.  Join Falcon Fitness instructor Taylor in Bowen-Thompson Student Union Room 201A for some heart-pumping Zumba!  Don’t forget to pack comfortable clothes and fitness shoes!

Freebie Fridays

Freebie Fridays is featuring recipes with edamame this Friday February 21, 2014. Stop by between 12:00 – 1:00 PM in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union lobby by the Information Center to sample the great recipes. See the attached flyer for more information.

Happy Travels!

Your HealthTrip Tour Guides

Aerobiquerque Week 2 – Look to the Skies

Hello HealthTrip Travelers!

Aerobiquerquians need not search far for a reason to get outdoors and walk. Each October, hundreds of hot air balloons take to the skies as part of the world’s largest hot air balloon festival. And, can you believe it is considered to be “the most photographed event” in the world? Outdoor aerobic activities offer a chance to explore your local area in a way you never may have thought of before. Whether it is thanks to hot air balloons in the sky or because you discovered a local park with hiking trails, fun new outdoor activities await you.

If you want to bundle up and venture outdoors, check out this website for a list of parks you can visit in Bowling Green.  If you do not want to head outdoors just yet, find some fun activities to do indoors until the weather warms up.  At home you could find a workout video you enjoy or put on some tunes and dance!

Fun with Fitness

  • Warming up is very important to do before physical activity.  Completing warm-up exercises, such as marching in place, gradually increases your body temperature and increases blood circulation throughout your muscles, tendons and ligaments. It prepares your body for the exercise session and helps prevent injuries. Try THIS 5-minute total body warm-up before your next exercise session.
  • A cool-down is equally important.  This helps gradually reduce your heart rate, resume normal breathing, and reduce muscle soreness. Plus, it allows for blood to circulate throughout your body. This is important for carrying important nutrients and oxygen to your muscles and cells, and assists in the growth and repair of muscles. Looking for a good cool-down? CLICK HERE!

HealthTrip Resources

  • Don’t forget to log your Frequent Mover Miles on your Aerobiquerque Travel Guide!  You earn one Frequent Mover Mile for each minute of aerobic activity you complete. Plus, add up to one bonus mile per day by completing the Aerobiquerque challenge.  You have until February 28 to collect as many “Frequent Mover Miles” as possible.  Record your miles on your Travel Journal and send your completed log to Taylor at tnewlov@bgsu.edu by March 1.  All travelers who submit their travel log for Aerobiquerque are entered in a raffle for a Heart Rate Monitor!  Travelers who earn at least 600 Frequent Mover Miles during the month of February receive two entries.
  • Don’t forget to bookmark and check out the Rec Well Wire blog for weekly updates and additional resources to assist you on your HealthTrip journey.

 Aerobiquerque Activities

We have several exciting activities planned while in Aerobiquerque so mark your calendars for the following excursions. Participating in any of these activities helps you earn five additional bonus miles!

  •  Move-It Mondays!  February 24, 12:15-1:00 PM.  Join Falcon Fitness instructor Taylor in Bowen-Thompson Student Union Room 201A for some heart-pumping Zumba!  Don’t forget to pack comfortable clothes and fitness shoes!
  • Grocery Store Tours!  Still confused by the produce section of the grocery store? Master the art of shopping by joining us for a tour at the local Meijer on Wooster St. As you know, good nutrition starts with smart choices in the grocery store.  Become a wise consumer and join us for one of the tours below:
    • Tuesday, February 11, 4:15 PM
    • Thursday, February 13, 6:00 PM

 Sign up for a grocery store tour by emailing Taylor at tnewlov@bgsu.edu.  If you’re interested but these times do not work with your schedule, please email Taylor and we will see if we can find a time that is more convenient for you.

 Healthy Travels!

Your HealthTrip Tour Guides

Healthier Meals – Healthier Hearts

Having a healthy heart also means starting with some healthier meals!  One of the American Heart Association tips to eat better is:

 “Eat vegetables and fruits. They are are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber — and they’re low in calories. Eating a variety of deeply colored fruits and vegetables may help you control your weight and your blood pressure.”

 Here are some healthy, plant-based recipes that taste so good, you do not need to add meat!

 Eggplant Lasagna (you use strips of eggplant instead of noodles!)  Another tip to save some extra fat and calories: you could also sub plain, nonfat greek yogurt for some or all of the ricotta cheese!

Butternut Squash Wheatberry Mock Risotto

Black Bean Meatless Meatballs

Lentil Pot Pie

Sweet Potato Banana Bites – a smart side or snack!

 What is your favorite veggie-strong dish?  

Welcome to Aerobiquerque

Hello HealthTrip Travelers!

The many outdoor fitness activity opportunities along with the breath-taking beauty of this southwest city are sure to keep your heart pumping during your stay in Aerobiquerque! Hiking among dormant volcanoes, mountain biking, and dancing are among some of the favorite aerobic activities enjoyed by Aerobiquerquians. And by watching them incorporate activity into daily life, we can be inspired to boost our activity level. Gather inspiration from what you learn in Aerobiquerque to identify aerobic activities you can try this month, including swimming, basketball, or ellipitical training. Remember there is no ideal activity for everyone. Choose an activity or two that you enjoy and will stick with for the long term.

Fun with Fitness

*New to exercise or looking to re-vamp your current exercise routine? Schedule a free personal training consult with Tour Guide Jared!  Contact Karyn Smith at karync@bgsu.edu to get signed up!

*Earn Frequent Mover Miles by completing one of these at home workouts:

*Having a difficult time fitting in fitness? Click HERE(PDF) for tips.

HealthTrip Resources

*In your email you will find your travel guide to help you move through Aerobiquerque.  You earn one Frequent Mover Mile for each minute of aerobic activity you complete. Plus, add up to one bonus mile per day by completing the Aerobiquerque challenge.  You have until February 28 to collect as many “Frequent Mover Miles” as possible.  Record your miles on your Travel Journal and send your completed log to Taylor at tnewlov@bgsu.edu.  All travelers who earn up to 600 Frequent Mover Miles during the month of February are entered into a raffle to win a great Aerobiquerque souvenir!

*Earn 5 Bonus Mover Miles and have fun on your lunch break!  Wear red and join us for the Healthy Heart Walk on Friday, February 7, at the Perry Field House track. Stop by anytime between 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM to participate in the fun, one-mile prediction walk. Walk at a comfortable pace and leave your watch and phone behind. The top 3 walkers who achieve the mile in the closest time to their predicted time wins a heart-healthy prize! Plus, enjoy samples of free healthy snacks from Dining Services and free blood pressure screenings from Falcon Health Center.

*Sign up for your Grocery Store Tour!  Still confused by the produce section of the grocery store? Master the art of shopping by joining us for a tour at the local Meijer on Wooster St. As you know, good nutrition starts with smart choices in the grocery store.  Become a wise consumer and join us for one of the tours below:

  • Monday, February 10, 12:15 PM
  • Tuesday, February 11, 4:15 PM
  • Thursday, February 13, 6:00 PM

Sign up for by emailing Taylor at tnewlov@bgsu.edu.

*Don’t forget to bookmark and check out this blog for weekly updates and additional resources to assist you on your HealthTrip journey.


Your HealthTrip Tour Guides

Aerobiquerque, Week One


Image of Health Trip Destination Aerobiquerque

The many outdoor fitness activity opportunities along with the breath-taking beauty of this southwest city are sure to keep your heart pumping during your stay in Aerobiquerque! Hiking among dormant volcanoes, mountain biking, and dancing are among some of the favorite aerobic activities enjoyed by Aerobiquerquians. And by watching them incorporate activity into daily life, we can be inspired to boost our activity level.

Gather inspiration from what you learn in Aerobiquerque to identify aerobic activities you can try this month, including swimming, basketball, or ellipitical training. Remember there is no ideal activity for everyone. Choose an activity or two that you enjoy and will stick with for the long term.



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