The Physical Training Department held the second annual physical training demonstration in the University gymnasium on March 27, 1918.
The purpose of the demonstration was to “acquaint the public with the character of the physical training carried on at the college to safeguard the health of students.” A large number of people attended the demonstration which showed that “the public is intensely interested in this phase of the college work.”
The program was divided into two parts, with demonstrations by participants from the training school (third – sixth grade boys and girls) in the first part, and demonstrations by college girls from the Bowling Green State Normal School in the second part. Demonstrations by the training school included “The Muffin Man,” a song and rhythmic game, “Black Tom,” an active game, “Ace of Diamonds,” a rhythmic game, an athletic memetic drill, an Indian club relay race, a dance performed by Elizabeth Beyermann (third grade). Demonstrations by the college girls included an Indian Club drill, a Swedish gymnastic drill, a wand drill, maze tag, the Indian Club, a “Norwegian Mountain March” dance, a “Blecking” dance, and a minuet performed by the sophomore girls.