Monday night, the three-on-three women’s intramural basketball season began. Each three-on-three basketball game is played half court in the Perry Field House. Each successful basket is worth one point and teams are required to record their own scores. The tournament is divided into two divisions: Women’s 5′ 6″ and Under and Open Division. Below are pictures of the first game in the Women’s three-on-three open division tournament. The four teams that competed Monday night were The Breezeway, Team Falcon, Geeks-N-Sneaks and BG Ballers.
If you are interested in joining an intramural team please contact the Department of Recreation and Wellness at 419.372.2464 or email at Please visit the intramural web page for more information concerning costs and eligibility. Also, become a free member of IM Leagues and keep up with your favorite team.