Ice Arena Tour Reflection

Posted on November 30th, 2011 in Uncategorized by mmalvic

On Tuesday November 29, 2011 I had the opportunity to take a behind the scenes tour of Bowling Green State University. We were taken around by our guide, shown sights that most do not get to see, and told stories about the facility. During the tour I noticed the variety of different surfaces that are visible around the facility. My impression of the facility is that it adequately covers the needs of a hockey arena, but without the thrills.

The surfaces of the ice arena come in a variety of different options ranging from concrete to sheet metal. The main surface of the facility is the ice used to host hockey matches. This surface takes a number of different procedures to construct and maintain. The ice must be created in a very specific way to maximize the clarity and consistency. The paint and lining of the playing area also must be carefully laid out before another layer covers it. After use the ice must be resurfaced using a Zamboni. These are all costly procedures in not only money, but time and human resources. The walk ways surrounding the ice is made of concrete with select areas covered with non-porous rubber mat. The surface is a easy to keep clean, however it is a dull color. In the players’ lounge and club lounge there was carpet covering the floor. This material adds to the comfort of the room while looking attractive to those in the room.

The overall impression I had for the BGSU Ice Arena was not too high. I believe that it completely satisfied all the needs of Hockey to host their games, but without the frills. Most of the facility looks out dated with darker colors and wood paneling. The select areas that have been recently renovated look nice, however they do seem out of place and do not match the rest of the arena. Some of the changes I would make would be to the main arena. A new scoreboard, updated bleachers and ceiling cover could go a long way in making the facility look a lot more appealing.

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