Eppler Acessibility Issues

Posted on November 3rd, 2011 in Uncategorized by mmalvic

It is important that buildings have several accessibility options, especially for those who with special needs or in a wheel chair. When walking about the Eppler area for class, I noticed several accessibility issues that may cause problems to those with special needs. They are as follows:

• There are no accessibility for those in wheelchairs in entrances to the entire building from the north, south, and east doors. The north and south doors need ramps.
• There is one elevator for the entire building. The elevator itself is very small and can only accommodate on wheelchair at a time.
• The grading in front of several doors are very steep and could be dangerous, especially when covered in ice, to those trying to use the entrances
• The classroom doors are heavier than the entrance doors, yet they have no automation system.

Eppler does have some redeeming accessibility factors however that make travel throughout the building manageable. They are as follows:
• Several handicap accessible restrooms are located throughout the building. This includes devoted stalls and private restrooms. The toilets are outfitted with railing to help those who need them.
• There is an automatic door opener for the main entrances into the building helping those needing to enter.
• There are curb cuts to help accessibility and people in wheelchairs to get off of the street and onto the sidewalk.
• The campus bus route drops off users relatively close to the building to minimize travel
• The halls of the facility are generally wide throughout allowing for easy maneuverability and passing.

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