Chapter 2: The Truth About Schedules

Thursday, January 28th, 2010 | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Berkun begins the chapter by saying something I believe we are all familiar with and that’s the idea of how everyone is late no matter if it’s to a meeting or to the bar to meet with friends. Sometimes I feel that schedules can be a pain and there are other times when they are very useful such as for this class or creating a project for a client. I also feel that sometimes people can be very apprehensive when it comes to creating and following schedules. They can be very intimidating.

Schedules serve 3 purposes according to Berkun. He says one purpose is to create a contract between people as well as to make a list of commitments to be followed. The second purpose of a schedule is to help people realize how each portion they complete is part of a bigger whole. I think this can be a very encouraging and it can help make schedules feel less intimidating. Berkun also talks about how schedules have a psychological effect on people in what is known as a forcing function. This forcing function naturally changes a person’s attitude or behavior.

The third purpose is to break work up into “chunks” so they are a little easier to manage and place into the work-flow. I feel this is a very important idea because schedules do in fact help break up the work and it gives a person a perspective on how much time they have to complete a task. Scott Berkun also talks about how important schedules are when the tasks or project becomes bigger and bigger, it helps organize all of the data and keep everyone working on task and up to date. Next he discusses methodologies and how groups can use software to help manage their workload.

I really enjoyed reading how Berkun breaks up a schedule and says it’s smart to create them in thirds. The thirds consist of: designing, implementing, and testing. I think this is a GREAT idea to follow and I try to do the same thing when I create projects. Berkun goes on to talk about how you can break a big schedule down into smaller ones to help organize the work. One part of the chapter that made me really thing was when Berkun talks about when something goes wrong with a project people blame it on the schedule and the person who created it.

The next section of the chapter discusses estimates. Berkun talks about how a good estimate can only come from a good design which I believe is true because the designer has to know what they are doing and how to cover costs for each section of the project so naturally a good estimate will come from a good design. He goes on to list some bullets about estimating, one of them I found to be quite helpful is estimates should be based on previous performance. This is helpful if you’ve created an estimate before, you can use it as a template for future estimates. Overall, I feel I learn a lot from this chapter about scheduling and estimating. I believe all of this information will come in handy for Module 2!

Busy busy!

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010 | Uncategorized | No Comments

So far this week has been pretty hectic for me, I feel as if I am always going, non-stop and everything has been so fast paced. On top of completing all of my homework for the week, turing in Module 1 and my article review, I have to work inventory this week at my job. I had to help pre-count some of the store’s merchandise tonight and I have to be back there at 8am tomorrow morning and we stay until everything is counted and stored in the computer. I have a feeling I am going to be tired.

Besides all of that, I have been keeping up with my client and I also had my interview yesterday for the Artist position at Libbey Inc. I feel the 3 back-to-back interviews went very well, I feel I spoke very professionally and that everyone enjoyed talking to me and seeing my work. I will know by the end of this week if I have the job or not! So I hope everyone will keep their fingers crossed for me.

I am going to schedule a meeting with my client probably for next week and in the meantime I snagged a couple of Libbey boxes from the outlet store so I can take them apart and see how I am going to lay out my designs. Towards the end of this week and over the week I am going to begin sketching up some package designs as well as my logo designs. I want to have something to show to Gary by next week so we can go from there. Everything so far is working out great and I will be looking over Module 2 to prepare for writing it in the following 2 weeks.

A Brief History of Project Management

Thursday, January 21st, 2010 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Berkun begins talking about what Project Management is by explaining how each part of a system comes together as a whole, much like the article we have to read located within Module 1. When people think of project management they automatically assume it means being in charge and being a leader or a manager of a team/organization but Berkun tells us this is false. A project manager is anyone who has a part in creating or getting a task done, it’s someone who has to think about all of the pieces that make a whole, so in a nutshell anyone can be a project manager.

The first chapter is fun to read because Berkun discusses how kitchens, programmers, and medical professional all have things in common. He explains how watching a kitchen on a busy day will change your mind about what project management is because everyone in the kitchen has to work together to get their job done. The same principle can be applied to programmers and professionals in the medical field as well as the students in VCT 467. I enjoyed reading this because I sometimes feel when I project manage that it can be very difficult and it’s nice to know that pretty much every profession has some type of PM involved.

Next, Berkun discusses his time spent with Microsoft. He talks about how they developed a new job titled called Program Manager which basically incorporates everything program related with managing the project at hand. Berkun claims this helped save Microsoft and I believe it because by combining programming with managing it allows each individual to manage and program at the same time in order to get a project done. It seems to have worked for Microsoft and other companies so it sounds like a good plan. I think it’s a great idea because instead of assigning just a manager to a project, the Program Manager can do everything, all in one.

Berkun mentions the attributes that a PM should try to balance in order to be successful. According to Tom Peters, those attributes are: ego/no-ego, autocrat/delegator, tolerate ambiguity/pursue perfection, oral/written, acknowledge complexity/champion simplicity, patient/impatient, courage/fear, skeptic/believer. All of these forces must work together for a person to be an ideal PM, they must know how to deal with each situation accordingly and be able to balance all of the attributes mentioned. Overall, I feel Berkun’s first chapter was very informative and fun to read. It’s nice to know everyone can be a PM and at some point in their lives, everyone gets the chance to be a PM. I now have a better understanding of what it means to be a PM and how I am going to be putting that title to good use while completing my project for VCT 467. I will have to PM my entire project because I will be responsible for everything from start to finish. I have had some experience with PM when I managed a group for Via Media last semester so I know a little about PM and I will put my skills to use!

Networking/Possible New Job

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

I just posted on the Discussion Board for VCT 467 all about networking and about my exciting news that goes along with securing my client and obtaining my project for this class. Through my use of networking with my stepmother who works at Libbey Inc. I was able to talk to the Manger of Graphic Design, Gary Raschke, and obtain my project for this class. Not only did I receive my project, but I also may have a new career with Libbey Inc. as an Artist who designs and prepares artwork to be printed on glassware.

I have an interview with Gary and two other Libbey employees on Monday January 25th at 8 am for this Artist position. I am very excited about this because the job will start out as part time while I finish up classes this semester and it will go full time as soon as I graduate. I will be making more money than I do at my current job and I will receive full benefits. I feel like this could be a great opportunity for me to continue working with the same company I’ve been with for almost 5 years now and I will have room to grow and possibly move into the packaging section of Libbey where I could try out my design skills.

Overall, I learned a lot about networking which is perfect for this week’s Discussion Board post. I know I got lucky because my stepmother works for the company but it just shows that you have to network and do what you can to get your name out there, even if that means talking to family members, etc. I’m going to keep my fingers crossed about my interview next Monday!

Looking Ahead, the Search for a Client

Thursday, January 14th, 2010 | Uncategorized | No Comments

So far my search for a client for VCT 467 has been a smooth road and I haven’t had any problems. I have always had a lot of interest in the packaging industry and I feel this is a road I want to travel down in the future to see where it may take me career wise. My love of packaging lead me to contact someone at my current company, Libbey Glass Inc. I work at the outlet store and I see the packaging in our store everyday and I thought to myself someone has to design that and I thought it would be fun to see if I could try package design.

My second step in contacting my client was talking to my step mother who also works for Libbey Glass Inc. She works in the corporate building so she sent out an e-mail to everyone asking if they had a project I could work on this semester. This lead me to contact Gary Raschke, the Manager of Graphic Design over at the Libbey Plant. I had Gary look at my portfolio website to get a feel of my artwork and by visiting the site he also had access to my resume. After taking a look at my site he contacted me by phone and we set up a meeting time to talk about the project.

I met with Gary yesterday, Jan. 13 at the Libbey Plant and we discussed the project. He is creating a line of packaging for the glassware that is more “green” friendly and he asked me to help. As far as I know I will be designing a line of packaging for Libbey glassware that incorporates eco-friendly ideas and messages to end users. I also think I am going to be working closely with Gary on researching ideas and concepts on how to be more eco-friendly with packaging and making the glassware. I have a feeling this is going to be a pretty involved project and I am going to learn a lot about myself and the industry by completing this assignment!

Foreword: Making Things Happen

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010 | Uncategorized | No Comments

After reading through the Foreword inside the book Making Things Happen, I feel I have a bit of a new perspective on what my project for VCT 467 is going to be like. At first I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from this class and now I feel as if I am going to be a part of something much bigger.

The Foreword talks a little bit about Project Management and I have some experience in that field. Last semester I worked as a Project Manager for Jodi Hagg’s Via Media class (TECH 480). Being a Project Manager really taught me a lot not only about myself but also about how to lead a team of individuals in accomplishing a single task. I was the leader so I had to dish out responsibilities to each team member and I learned much about the type of leader that I am and how to handle situations involving group work. I feel after reading the Foreword in this book, I am going to learn a lot more about project management that will benefit me throughout VCT 467 as well as later on down the road.

I enjoyed the Foreword in this book because the author is very forward and tells the reader to skim the book if they desire because each chapter stands on it’s own. The Foreword did help me see that there is no line between being a Project Manager, a Designer, a Programer, etc. Each person plays an important role in creating a project from start to finish and I believe I am going to experience that by creating my project for VCT 467. By working closely with a client and creating a project from start to finish I feel I will know more about myself and I will pick up skills along the way to help me become a better Project Manager. I feel this is a skill set I would like to expand on out in the work force, it could turn into a possible career path for me in the near or late future.

Testing 1..2…3..

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010 | Uncategorized | No Comments

This is my test post for my new VCT 467 blog!

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