About Me

About Me

Hi! My name is Marche Stacey and in the first picture is of me in Toronto, Canda for my best friend birthday. I am currently senior from the Cleveland area and I am studying communication with a minor in international business.

International Experience

The picture of me above is actually me in my summer study aboard in china in the summer of 2018.   This trip was really fun and I learned a lot about Chinese culture  and was fortunate enough to also intern there. In high school, I took there year of french and spent two weeks in Paris.




The last three days of the study abroad we stayed in Beijing. Beijing is the current capital of China the original capital was Xian where we stayed the first to weeks. In Beijing, we climb the great wall, visited the Forbidden City, the temple of heaven and the summer palace.

The Outside of the Forbidden City
This slab in the middle was transported to the forbidden city on ice

The reason the forbidden city is called forbidden because it was reserved for the empire and the royal family.

Temple of Heaven
Group picture at the Forbidden City
the 2008 Olympics sight
summer palace
A view from the Great Wall

Culture Lesson

Every day for the first two weeks except for the weekends we had a culture lesson. One of the lessons or classes we had was a language class.  We were taught basic Chinese once a week. It was fun and I took lots of note which came in handy sometimes.

We also took a calligraphy class and learned to write freedom, I love China and other things. My most favorite class was the painting class. when Chinese painting you first start with the black ink like paint and mix it with water. Then you paint whatever you planned on painting.  After you finish painting the outline and shadow of your painting, you let it dry. This is very important because if you don’t and keep painting you can rip the paper since the paper is very thin. Lastly, you go in with the color paint and add the color details.

The way you do calligraphy is very similar to painting because you have a brush and ink you just don’t have color. The paper we used is also different it has boxes outlined so you can learn to write the character easier. When writing you write the character up to down.

The First two Weeks

The first two weeks were probably the most fun I had that whole month. The first day there we got to meet the president of the university that we were staying at. After that, we had a traditional Chinese style meal.

A  normal Chinese meal is many different dishes and side dishes on a spinning table shared with everyone at the table. As many know  Chinese use chopsticks to eat but what I realized was that eating with chopsticks also helps with eating slow and correct portions.


Xian City Wall

After the lunch and for the rest of the two weeks I explode china with the language partners and my classmates. The language partners where students that went to the Universty. They would go around with us and the rest of my classmates and I would help them with their English. Then they would teach us different Chinese words. I was nice because the student were also in college and the same so we had a lot of the same interest but just a little different

ancient civilization museum