My Expectations

I have several expectations for this course.  First, I expect to be pushed to excel.  In the previous semester I had to take GSW 1110.  I did not feel pressure to excel or to improve my writing in 1110, in fact I felt like the class was a burden and a waste of time.  I do not expect to have the same relationship with this course.  For GSW 1120H I expect to be pushed to fine-tune my ideas in my writings and to form my own unique writing style and voice. 

I also anticipate further developing writing skills such as research and revision.  I understand that I need to work on my writing skills, and I want to focus on keeping the verb tense consistent and not using passive voice in my writing, as I tend to struggle with these concepts.  I also hope to ensure that my writing for this course is both academic and interesting, which can be difficult to accomplish.  I expect my instructor to give me detailed and helpful feedback on all of my writings for the course, while providing aid if I start to struggle with an essay or a concept. 

What I look most forward to about this course is focusing on the theme: food!  I love to eat, but I am not very educated on what foods are good or bad, or what goes into the process of making many of the foods I daily enjoy.  I hope that through this course I will learn how politics and our society influence what we eat and what foods are available for consumption.  Also I would like to explore why humans enjoy eating so much, and how “favorite” tastes are derived.  That is, why do certain cultures prefer certain tastes, and how do cultural dishes come about?  Another concept I’ve always wondered about is what makes food “regional”.  I understand that different plants and animals are available in different regions, but what determines how the food is prepared, or how it is seasoned?  Food is very cultural, and I have a great interest in cultures, as I considered studying anthropology before deciding to major in education (high school social studies).  On a different note, I would like to explore the concept of eating foods produced locally, and whether or not this lifestyle is applicable to all levels of society (based on socioeconomic status, which may prevent certain members of society from consuming local foods if these goods are too costly or difficult to acquire).  I would also like to examine the concept of eating seasonally, based on what foods are available at certain times of the year.  Finally, I expect to be more educated on what preservatives and chemicals go into commonly eaten foods, and how these additives affect our bodies.

One thought on “My Expectations

  1. Amanda said,

    January 15, 2010 @ 3:19 pm     

    Lin-Z, I’m glad you’re so excited about the theme. The topics you bring up regarding food are ones I hope to cover this semester. And if I don’t get to them, you could always pick one for your researched essay. I’ll definitely push you to do your best and improve your writing skills.

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