Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category
“Feminism in Comp.:” Rxns
September 7, 2010 | 29,183 Comments
I read Joy Ritchie and Kathleen Boardman’s article first and, after reading the other two, decided to use it for the assignment because it seemed so timely (i.e., it wasn’t from 1985); I appreciated the fairly contemporary retrospective and analysis. Ritchie and Boardman examine the influence of feminism in (and on) the field of composition. For […]
Week Two Responses
August 31, 2010 | 5,530 Comments
I apologize for the belated post–while I’m familiar with blogging, I’m not familiar with it on Blackboard. That aside… Noddings’ discussion on caring thoroughly fascinates me–she writes articulately and intelligently, and, even though I don’t agree with all her points, I’m happy to let her lead me to those points for consideration. One of the […]