August 2011

Hola all. Im Jasmine Parker (new last name, I just got married!) I just changed my major from broadcast journalism to print journalism. I minor in popular culture.  I plan on starting my own online magazine because my goal is to be self-employed. I have an almost 2-year-old daughter. This is my senior year at […]

Hi everyone, I’m Asia Rapai, a senior majoring in print journalism and minoring in visual communication technology with a focus on web and video. This year I am the editor-in-chief at The BG News, which means I spend A LOT of my time in the newsroom over in West Hall trying to maintain a solid […]

Hey there, my name is Matt Nye and I am a junior, print journalism major here at BG. I also have worked for the BGnews for almost three years now because I started 2 weeks into the school year my freshman year. I have covered general reporting stories, swimming, hockey, (which I will be covering […]

I’m Max Filby and I’m from Sylvania, Ohio, about 30 to 45 minutes North of Bowling Green. I’m a junior studying print journalism at the University with minors in Italian and Political Science. I work at The BG News as the News Editor, a page designer and a reporter. I’ve worked at The News since […]

Hi, my name is Alesha Gailhouse.  I am a public relations major, with a Spanish minor.  My passion is singing opera, playing the violin and public speaking.  So, someday I hope to own a public relations firm in Spain, while singing opera and playing the violin.  Just kidding.  I do want to own a PR […]

Hi, my name is Alissa Widman. I’m a junior print journalism major and sociology minor at Bowling Green State University from Sandusky, Ohio. (You may know it as “Cedar Point, Ohio.”) I hope to someday work as a newspaper reporter. I interned this past summer for The Sandusky Register, the Associated Press’ best division III […]

Hi and Hello.  Allow myself to introduce…myself.  I’m Chris Cournan- a 20 year old junior from Clarence, NY (which is about 20 minutes outside of Buffalo.)  I’m a Sports Management major with a minor in Broadcast Journalism.  I recently took over as the interim President for my fraternity, Delta Tau Delta.  I enjoy playing all […]

Hello everyone. I’m David Clarkson and I’m a senior set to graduate in the spring (fingers crossed). All throughout high school I wanted to be a sports writer but college taught me I simply do not have the passion to become a journalist. That’s why I recently changed my major to Communications with a Journalism […]

    My name is Bryan Warrick and I am a Print Journalism Major and a History minor. I am a fifth year senior who spent two years going to Schoolcraft College before transferring to BGSU. I am from Westland, Michigan, just outside Detroit. I am a huge Detroit Tigers and Red Wings fan. I’m […]

Hello! My name is Allison Dunn and I am from Sylvania, Ohio. I am a senior print journalism major with a minor in political science. I started my undergraduate education at the University of Dayton. I was absolutely in love with the school and I had an amazing group of friends, but I didn’t feel […]

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