Speech #4 Refelction
I think that i did okay on this speech. It wasn’t my best, and i definitely didn’t do as well as when i practiced. I knew that my speech would take a lot of time, so i tried to come prepared with parts of it already done, but that didn’t seem to help.
I think that i got distracted by the class. A few people made comments or started giggling and that threw me off. I then kind of went with with because of my nerves so it threw me off on my spot.
One thing i think i did well on however was being organized and prepared. Even though i got thrown off, i was still able to talk about all of my main points.
Overall i am not satisfied with this. I practiced at home when i made the salad for my best friend. But when i did it in class i felt distracted by the classes response and reaction.
Filed under Uncategorized | Comment (0)Group 1 Presentation 3
I think our group did a good job over all. We had a few glitches during the presentation, but i feel like a lot of that was from nerves. We had practiced a few times so we knew the logistics. I think that we did a suffcient amount of preparation so i feel that we were all ready and did not have to read off of the notecards.
As a team for next time i feel like we can have better communication. We had a problem with people forgetting when we were meeting, so i think that sending out an email and reminding before would be helpful. Overall i think we worked well as a group. We all had good ideas and everyone seemed to agree with how we would present. Erin did a good job setting the scene up. She put together a powerpoint on her own time to help establish a location and help the audience understand where we were. So I appreciate her doing that extra work to help us.
I really like my group, and i feel like we have good chemistry. We have become friends and its a fun environment to work in because we all get along so well.
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