La Vie En Rose
October 10, 2012La Vie En Rose
Call Number: DVD00981
Director/Distributor: Olivier Dahan
Format: DVD video : French : Extended version
Language: In French, with optional English, French or Spanish subtitles. Closed-captioned in English.
Publisher: [New York] : HBO Video, ©2007.
Notes: Special feature: “Stepping into character”, with behind-the-scenes character development sequences for the film, including interviews with Dahan and Cotillard and footage of Piaf in performance (7 min).
Summary: A dramatic retelling of the life of Edith Piaf, considered one of the great performers of France. Raised in a brothel, taken to work in a circus by her father, and eventually abandoned by her parents, she spent her teen years on the streets. Eventually “rescued” by a crime figure who gives her career a start, she makes her way to international success, despite recurring frailty, illness, wild moods, drug and alcohol problems.
OCLC #: 166931104
Added: 10/10/2012
This item is part of the Ralph H. Wolfe Collection