Posted by jeggent on 3rd August 2014
I have no good reason for this post, so I’m just going to get into it.
DIY done
OK, so I’ve basically chickened out on a previously mentioned DIY project, but there is one that I actually completed. Even though this is an old project, I’ve used this a couple of time recently which is why I’m thinking about it now. This was done from this post on LifeHacker on building a card mount for your cellphone from office supplies. The picture on the left is the actual one that I built and use. It fits my LG phones, I’m not sure if it will work with some of the really large phones like the Samsung S series. A note of caution with this, be careful about clipping it to the vent when the AC is on. I did that once and got a lot of condensation on the phone.
All the Hoopla
My local library has a subscription to Hoopla Digital which gives me (as a patron) access to their library of movies, TV shows, music, and audio books. The TV and movie selections are kind of weak but the music and audio books have current and popular releases. If you have a library card it’s worth checking to see if you have access to Hoopla.
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Posted by jeggent on 25th October 2013
So, I’ve moved over to the library on campus. It’s actually a lot geekier job than you may think. They use lots of interesting technologies and systems here. If you think about the ways information is stored and retrieved and what students are expecting these days (online 24/7), you can see why a lot of technology is required.
Not convinced? One thing that the library has in common with technology in general is the great number of acronyms. Back when I was studying for my A+ and Network+ certifications some of the acronyms I memorized were ISA, IRQ, RAM, VGA, and my favorite, PCMCIA. Since starting at the library I’ve been recording the different acronyms used so that I wouldn’t have to ask multiple times. I’ve already recorded 46 acronyms in just three weeks. Here is a small sample of those acronyms:
- ALA: American Library Association
- ALADN: Academic Library Advancement and Development Network
- ALAO: American Library Association of Ohio
- APA: American Psychological Association
- CD: Collection Development
- EAD: Encoded Archival Description
- ETD: Electronic Thesis & Dissertation
- GSW: General Studies Writing
- HSRB: Human Subjects Review Board
- IACUC: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
- ILL: Interlibrary Loan
- ILS: Integrated Library System
- ISBN: International Standard Book Number
- LTI: Learning Tools Interoperability
- TEI: Text Encoding Initiative
Now that I have a different job I should find a number of topics to post about. Good luck Financial Aid & PeopleSoft users!
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