More of my Best Advice: For Next lists
Posted by jeggent on December 12, 2014
If you missed it, I posted my best advice (recording your accomplishments earlier. As the year winds down and end of year reports need to be written, I stand by this being great advice!
My next bit of advice is to create a series of “For Next” lists. I use Microsoft’s OneNote since I have it on my desktop, tablet, and on the web. You should use whatever system you typically have quick access to. Even if it is paper and pen.
Then start a lists for the people and groups that you regularly communicate with. For example, I have a “For Next” lists for my boss and all of the committees that I am on. Then whenever you think of something that you need to bring up the next time you meet with that person or group, you’ll have it handy. Then after talking about those items I date them and start another list. Here is what a “For Next” list might like:
End of year evals
New flatbed scanner quote
Personal time on Tuesday–
Website presentation ideas
Conference in January
A “For Next” list is useful as a reminder to to get answers or give updates and to keep a running list of when things were discussed. Keeping for next lists is an easy way to make all of your meetings more productive.