Tools for Learning In Plain English…Wikis, RSS and Social Bookmarking

Ever wish you could watch a video that would easily explain these new technology concepts? Well today your prayers have been answered! Below are three great YouTube videos that help to explain what a the concepts behind wikis, RSS feeds, and social bookmarkingWikis RSS Social Bookmarking Did these quick videos help with your understanding of […]

Continue Reading November 30th, 2007

How University Administrators (& Faculty) Should Approach Facebook: 10 Rules

This is a useful article on how our students are using Facebook and things that we should consider as college educators. Listed below are rules 1 and 2 in a list of 10. For more information, please click here: 1. The Facebook isn’t going away. While may not last forever, a service like […]

Continue Reading 1 comment November 9th, 2007

Sarah Robbins (Intellagirl) Speaks at TechTrends Series

Sarah Robbins (aka – Intellagirl), prompted the BGSU Tech Trends Series audience, “The world is changing… are you ready? Are your students ready?“ After presenting a multitude of recent statistics on the technology use habits of 18-22 year olds, Robbins explained how the numbers simply represent symptoms of a larger issue – young people want […]

Continue Reading 2 comments October 25th, 2007

Want to Take a Web 2.0 Journey?

Follow the link below for 23 Learning 2.0 Things. The site gives you tasks designed to make you more comfortable with Web 2.0 technologies. Tips and advice are provided along your journey. Learn more about blogging, RSS, photo sharing, tagging, wikis, and other online tools. What tasks have you tried? What ideas or tools […]

Continue Reading October 18th, 2007

A Vision of Students Today

What is your opinion of the video? Do your students have similar concerns? How can you or the University help to change and encourage better student interaction? …Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started! For another great video from this group check out The Machine is Us/ing Us a short video about the […]

Continue Reading 1 comment October 15th, 2007


Here are a couple of useful resources that we would like to share: The Library of Congress offers an Ask-a-Librarian service, where they provide the ability to choose a research area and then ask a librarian via either online chat or email. Another option is to use BGSU‘s own Ask-a-Librarian service, The library offers […]

Continue Reading October 3rd, 2007

Slideshare: The Show Must Go On! (and on, and on…)

Slideshare is a site for hosting slidecasts – a new multimedia format for viewing slideshow (i.e. PowerPoint) synchronized with a podcast. However, presentations do not need to contain audio to be viewed on It can be used for conference talks, musical slideshows, audio picture books, portfolios or whatever else you can imagine. Slideshare can […]

Continue Reading September 14th, 2007

Ask AL- Wiki Tips

Question 1How might I use a wiki in an educational setting? AL’s answer for Mac AL’s answer for PC Question 2How can I set up a pbwiki site? AL’s answer for Mac AL’s answer for PC Do you currently use wikis in the classroom? If so, how? Can you think of any instances where […]

Continue Reading September 5th, 2007

TeachU Online Seminar Series for 2007-2008

The Ohio Learning Network (OLN) announces the 2007-2008 online webinar series. OLN’s TeachU webinars are hour-long interactive web seminars on uses of emerging technologies and pedagogies within the contexts of teaching, assessment, and student success. They’re also free!  To register go to: Additional Webinars in the 2007-2008 TeachU Series Include: October 4th @ 2:00 […]

Continue Reading September 4th, 2007

Instructional Strategies for Blogging

An article by Ruth Reynard, Associate Professor from Trevecca Nazarene University in Tennessee, discusses the inherent, powerful learning opportunities for students when they reflect on their learning in a written fashion – in particular, through blogging. She states, (w)hile the notion of “finding individual voice” is not new to the learning process, technology such as […]

Continue Reading August 22nd, 2007

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