Ask AL Tech Tip- Password Protection

How can I add a password to a document to protect sensitive information? AL’s answer for PC using Word 2003 AL’s answer for Mac using AppleWorks 6 AL’s answer for Mac using Word 2004 Share your opinion and experiences by leaving a comment below:Why might a professor need to password protect a document? Have you […]

Continue Reading 2 comments November 30th, 2006

Pros and Cons of Podcasting in Education

Podcasting has taken the world by storm and has emerged in the academic world as a powerful teaching tool. While some have taken the new technology and implemented it into their classroom, the majority of faculty have not yet utilized this new tool. Here at the Center we offer podcasting workshops focused on teaching and […]

Continue Reading 1 comment November 7th, 2006

Ask AL Bi-Monthly Tech Tips

Ask AL Bi-Monthly Tech Tips will become a staple for “INTERACT AT THE CENTER.” Check back every two weeks for more useful tips and tutorials. This week the feature we are focusing on is blogging. Follow the link below to a myriad of tutorials and explanations on how to effectively start and manage your own […]

Continue Reading November 7th, 2006

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