Slideshare: The Show Must Go On! (and on, and on…)

Slideshare is a site for hosting slidecasts – a new multimedia format for viewing slideshow (i.e. PowerPoint) synchronized with a podcast. However, presentations do not need to contain audio to be viewed on It can be used for conference talks, musical slideshows, audio picture books, portfolios or whatever else you can imagine. Slideshare can […]

Continue Reading September 14th, 2007

Ask AL- Wiki Tips

Question 1How might I use a wiki in an educational setting? AL’s answer for Mac AL’s answer for PC Question 2How can I set up a pbwiki site? AL’s answer for Mac AL’s answer for PC Do you currently use wikis in the classroom? If so, how? Can you think of any instances where […]

Continue Reading September 5th, 2007

TeachU Online Seminar Series for 2007-2008

The Ohio Learning Network (OLN) announces the 2007-2008 online webinar series. OLN’s TeachU webinars are hour-long interactive web seminars on uses of emerging technologies and pedagogies within the contexts of teaching, assessment, and student success. They’re also free!  To register go to: Additional Webinars in the 2007-2008 TeachU Series Include: October 4th @ 2:00 […]

Continue Reading September 4th, 2007

Essay Highlight: Age of Wonders… Just Different

Corrie Bergeron, M.Ed., an Instructional Designer at Lakeland Community College in Ohio recently wrote an essay entitled Age of Wonders and shared it on one of the OLN (Ohio Learning Network) listserves. Below are some highlights, but the entire essay is a good, but short read for anyone concerned with being inundated by constant technological […]

Continue Reading August 8th, 2007

Personalized Home Pages

There are many options for creating a personalized homepage for your web browser. The Center wanted to pass along a couple options. If you already have a Google account try iGoogle, or if you prefer Yahoo! checkout MyYahoo!, or try Netvibes. All have numerous options that will provide you with a concentrated page full of […]

Continue Reading July 3rd, 2007

Ask AL- Tech Tip Creating Mailing Labels

How can I create mailing labels in my word processing software? AL’s answer for Mac using Appleworks 6 AL’s answer for PC using Word 2003 AL’s answer for PC using Word 2007 AL’s answer for PC using 2 Would this tip improve your ability to send out notices? If you try this, tell us […]

Continue Reading 1 comment June 21st, 2007

The UC Second Life Wiki

The UC Second Life Wiki provides a valuable resource for any educator or student who plans to utilize Second Life as a teaching and learning tool. Second Life is a popular persistent online virtual “world” where users from around the globe can explore digital environments and interact with other users. More and more institutions of […]

Continue Reading 1 comment June 15th, 2007

Copyright in a Digital Era

With the proliferation of technology in the classroom, there is a rise in the use of available media for integrating new ideas. What started out as making copies of paper documents has now turned into duplicating software, video, and digital documents. Along with this shift in copying and exchanging digital media, the need for regulation […]

Continue Reading June 6th, 2007

How NOT to use Powerpoint

Click play to view a brief comic sketch on how NOT to use PowerPoint. This video is great to show your class before assigning class presentations. It may encourage originality and make people think about how the audience will respond to a presentation. How many “bad” presenations have you seen like this? Please share any […]

Continue Reading 4 comments June 6th, 2007

Ask AL- Tech Tip Filtering a Datbase using Check Boxes

How can I filter my database entries when I use check boxes? AL’s answer for Mac using FileMaker Pro AL’s answer for PC using Access Would this tip help you organize your database better? Do you have any other databasing tips to share? If you try this, tell us about your success or problems implementing […]

Continue Reading May 23rd, 2007

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