BGSU Professor "Caught in the Network" of Academic Freedom

The February 9th Chronicle of Higher Education featured an article authored by Dr. Paul Cesarini from BGSU’s College of Technology. The issue centered on ITS’s concern with Paul using Tor, or The Onion Router, which masks online activity from others (including ITS). Being that it is one of ITS’s charges to be aware of activity […]

Continue Reading February 20th, 2007

Assessment: University Learning Outcomes Rubrics

Are you familiar with the BGSU University Learning Outcomes rubrics? The six rubrics provide a guide for faculty in these areas: Inquiry, Creative Problem Solving, Decision Making, Write, Present, and Participate and Lead. According to SAAC (Student Achievement Assessment Committee): “When distributed together with an assignment, rubrics help students to clarify the standards that will […]

Continue Reading February 9th, 2007

2 Weeks to Success

2 Weeks to Success!Dr. Gary North has created a 2 week program to help get your mind in proper learning gear. These are excellent tips to survive academically! Read one lesson a day for best results. Lesson topics: • The Number-One Study Technique for Mastering New Material and Reviewing Old Material • Attitude and Academic […]

Continue Reading January 30th, 2007

Classroom Discussions that Engage Learners

Have you read the 2006 National Survey of Student Engagement? Bowling Green State University is listed as one of the 557 participating four-year institutions. The report surveyed first year and senior students and found student engagement to be positively related to grades. The survey also found that students only spend around 13-14 hours a week […]

Continue Reading January 23rd, 2007

Valuing Student Learning: What’s your Assessment Model/Theory?

It is undeniable that effective forms of assessment help improve the learning process by keeping the student and the teacher on the same track. We want to hear from BGSU faculty and graduate students about the multiple forms of assessment being used on-campus. What have you found that works in assessing learning beyond the traditional […]

Continue Reading 5 comments December 1st, 2006

Is the Future of Interactive Learning Just a Click Away?

The newest classroom technology trend in keeping the attention of millennial generation learners is Audience-Response Systems. These wireless handheld devices are not just being used for “America’s Funniest Videos” anymore. Several manufacturers are selling these devices for use in the classroom- one for each student. These devices allow instructors to pose questions to the entire […]

Continue Reading 3 comments November 15th, 2006

Pros and Cons of Podcasting in Education

Podcasting has taken the world by storm and has emerged in the academic world as a powerful teaching tool. While some have taken the new technology and implemented it into their classroom, the majority of faculty have not yet utilized this new tool. Here at the Center we offer podcasting workshops focused on teaching and […]

Continue Reading 1 comment November 7th, 2006

The PowerPoint Phenomenon

PowerPoint presentations have become an automatic feature attached to the newest learning model. PowerPoint users praise the software for enriching the learning content. Critics of the PowerPoint phenomenon argue students have become passively engaged rather than actively engaged in the learning process. Craig and Amernic (2006) state, “When we taught without PowerPoint or led a […]

Continue Reading 10 comments November 7th, 2006

Workshop Extension: Effective Writing Assignments

On November 2, 2006, Barb Toth from the BGSU Writing Center facilitated a workshop on “Constructing Effective Writing Assignments.” • What types of writing assignments do you use for your courses to solicit student understanding? • What kind(s) of assessment strategies to you employ – rubrics, checklists, peer evaluations, etc.? Visit the Writing Center’s website […]

Continue Reading 3 comments November 7th, 2006

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