How NOT to use Powerpoint

Click play to view a brief comic sketch on how NOT to use PowerPoint. This video is great to show your class before assigning class presentations. It may encourage originality and make people think about how the audience will respond to a presentation. How many “bad” presenations have you seen like this? Please share any […]

Continue Reading 4 comments June 6th, 2007

The New Blooms Taxonomy

For over half a century the work of Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues has played a major role in understanding substantive thinking about planning and evaluation in an educational atmosphere. Bloom’s Taxonomy was originally designed for educators to think about objectives, communicate with one another, and formulate a curriculum. With advances in technology following the […]

Continue Reading June 4th, 2007

Summer Reading List & CTLT Lending Library

If you’re looking for a good book or two to read this summer, below is a small sampling of “best bets” from our CTLT lending library. For a full listing of titles, visit our CTLT Lending Library Webpage. Most titles can be checked out for 2-4 weeks, so give us a call (2-6898)/ email ( […]

Continue Reading 1 comment May 8th, 2007

What Web 2.0 Can Teach Us About Learning

The Chronicle article “What Web 2.0 Can Teach Us About Learning” is an interesting article looking at the use of course management systems and Web 2.0 tools in the classroom. Edward Maloney explains that most course management systems (BlackBoard and WebCT) have been utilized as a means to disperse media and not as an interactive […]

Continue Reading 3 comments April 18th, 2007

Creative Commons License

Copyright, author’s rights, and licensing of personal works continue to enter into discussions at all levels of university work. From faculty authorship to students’ creative works available on the Internet, each individual can now specify the conditions for the distribution and use of their works using the Creative Commons. [From the Creative Commons website:] What […]

Continue Reading 1 comment April 16th, 2007

L. Dee Fink: The Joy and Responsibility of Teaching Well

Dr. L. Dee Fink presented the keynote address, “The Joy and Responsibility of Teaching Well” to faculty, staff, students, and Regional Center Learning Community guests last Friday in Olscamp Hall. His visit was part of both the First Annual Teaching and Learning Fair and the Student Achievement Assessment Committee (SAAC) Awards, held the night before. […]

Continue Reading 1 comment March 23rd, 2007

Teaching Tips: One Stop Shopping!

A wonderful online resource for categorized, research-based teaching tips can be found at the U. Hawaii at Honolulu’s Teaching Tips Website. Make this site a weekly or monthly appointment for your professional development! We welcome your comments! Join in the conversation!

Continue Reading March 23rd, 2007

Strategies to Engage Students in Large Lecture Classes

Classes should be designed so it is impossible for the students to take a passive role in the course. This Chinese Proverb is a good reminder: “Tell me, and I forget. Show me, and I remember. Involve me, and I understand.” Unfortunately, it is often difficult to gain the involvement of students in large lectures. […]

Continue Reading 3 comments March 21st, 2007

BGSU Teaching and Learning Fair – Friday, March 23, 2007

All members of the BGSU Community and members of the Regional Community are invited to attend the Fair. Dr. L. Dee Fink, author of Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses and former president of POD (Professional & Organizational Development Network in Higher Education), delivers his keynote address, “The Joy and […]

Continue Reading March 1st, 2007

Teaching & Learning Discussion: Using Blackboard

This is a new type of post here at Interact at the Center. We will provide a general topic related to teaching and learning and ask for contributions from our visitors. This is your opportunity to interact with other faculty members and graduate students. Today’s topic is Blackboard, and for those who do not use […]

Continue Reading February 21st, 2007

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