Ask AL- Wiki Tips

Question 1How might I use a wiki in an educational setting? AL’s answer for Mac AL’s answer for PC Question 2How can I set up a pbwiki site? AL’s answer for Mac AL’s answer for PC Do you currently use wikis in the classroom? If so, how? Can you think of any instances where […]

Continue Reading September 5th, 2007

TeachU Online Seminar Series for 2007-2008

The Ohio Learning Network (OLN) announces the 2007-2008 online webinar series. OLN’s TeachU webinars are hour-long interactive web seminars on uses of emerging technologies and pedagogies within the contexts of teaching, assessment, and student success. They’re also free!  To register go to: Additional Webinars in the 2007-2008 TeachU Series Include: October 4th @ 2:00 […]

Continue Reading September 4th, 2007

Service-Learning Faculty Focus Discussion Series

These discussion based programs feature faculty talking about their service-learning courses and experiences working with all aspects of service-learning and civic engagement. For more information, visit the Office of Service Learning website. (NOTE: All presentations take place at the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology @ 201 University Hall) September: Thursday, 9/6/07, 1:00 pm-2:00 pmExperiential, […]

Continue Reading August 28th, 2007

Instructional Strategies for Blogging

An article by Ruth Reynard, Associate Professor from Trevecca Nazarene University in Tennessee, discusses the inherent, powerful learning opportunities for students when they reflect on their learning in a written fashion – in particular, through blogging. She states, (w)hile the notion of “finding individual voice” is not new to the learning process, technology such as […]

Continue Reading August 22nd, 2007

Developing a Learning-Centered Course Syllabus

The process of teaching and learning requires detailed preparation. One of these important steps in preparation is developing a course syllabus. There are many methods for syllabus creation and a great resource for such a task is the book The Course Syllabus: A Learning-Centered Approach by Judith Grunert. This manual is intended to assist instructors […]

Continue Reading August 17th, 2007

Essay Highlight: Age of Wonders… Just Different

Corrie Bergeron, M.Ed., an Instructional Designer at Lakeland Community College in Ohio recently wrote an essay entitled Age of Wonders and shared it on one of the OLN (Ohio Learning Network) listserves. Below are some highlights, but the entire essay is a good, but short read for anyone concerned with being inundated by constant technological […]

Continue Reading August 8th, 2007

Setting Expectations for the Semester & Student Ownership of Learning

The beginning of the semester is an exciting and busy time for both faculty and students. The semester start is also the best time for you to take the opportunity to make students aware of your expectations for the entire semester. Expectations help define a boundary for students in which they can focus on the […]

Continue Reading July 31st, 2007

Assigning Oral Presentations

Classroom presentations can be one of the most enriching assignments of the class if enough planning and preparation goes into the process. Below are 6 tips to help you assign an engaging oral presentation assignment. 1. Plan ahead. Give yourself time to communicate your expectations for the assignment and allow enough time for students to […]

Continue Reading 1 comment June 25th, 2007

The UC Second Life Wiki

The UC Second Life Wiki provides a valuable resource for any educator or student who plans to utilize Second Life as a teaching and learning tool. Second Life is a popular persistent online virtual “world” where users from around the globe can explore digital environments and interact with other users. More and more institutions of […]

Continue Reading 1 comment June 15th, 2007

Copyright in a Digital Era

With the proliferation of technology in the classroom, there is a rise in the use of available media for integrating new ideas. What started out as making copies of paper documents has now turned into duplicating software, video, and digital documents. Along with this shift in copying and exchanging digital media, the need for regulation […]

Continue Reading June 6th, 2007

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