Ask AL Bi-Monthly Tech Tips

Ask AL Bi-Monthly Tech Tips will become a staple for “INTERACT AT THE CENTER.” Check back every two weeks for more useful tips and tutorials.

This week the feature we are focusing on is blogging. Follow the link below to a myriad of tutorials and explanations on how to effectively start and manage your own personal blog or help students with theirs.

Click Here for Blogging Tutorials

Share your opinion and experiences by leaving a comment below:
How have you used blogging? Do you believe it can be used effectively as a teaching tool?

Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , , November 7, 2006

The PowerPoint Phenomenon

PowerPoint presentations have become an automatic feature attached to the newest learning model. PowerPoint users praise the software for enriching the learning content. Critics of the PowerPoint phenomenon argue students have become passively engaged rather than actively engaged in the learning process. Craig and Amernic (2006) state, “When we taught without PowerPoint or led a case discussion without PowerPoint or acted Socratic-like without PowerPoint, our relationship with students was unmediated and more human, more direct, less pre-meditated and less structured”. Are you a fan or a skeptic?

Read the article:
Craig, R. J. & Amernic, J.H. (2006). PowerPoint presentation technology and the dynamics of teaching. Click here for article

Share your opinion and experiences by leaving a comment below:
Has PowerPoint been an effective tool in enriching student learning in your classroom?

10 comments Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , , November 7, 2006

Workshop Extension: Effective Writing Assignments

On November 2, 2006, Barb Toth from the BGSU Writing Center facilitated a workshop on “Constructing Effective Writing Assignments.”

• What types of writing assignments do you use for your courses to solicit student understanding?

• What kind(s) of assessment strategies to you employ – rubrics, checklists, peer evaluations, etc.?

Visit the Writing Center’s website for many online resources, including student and instructor resources. Some samples resources and handouts include: MLA, APA, and other stlye guides, consultant tips, plagiarism prevention, resume tips, and much, much more.

3 comments Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , , , November 7, 2006

A New Beginning…

This site is a remodeled version of our former: enhancing teaching and learning @ BGSU. In the spirit of interaction, we look forward to reading and learning from your comments, so feel free to share your experiences and expertise by simply clicking on the COMMENTS link below each post of interest.

Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  November 6, 2006

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