Ask AL- Tips for Office 2007

“Office 2007 looks totally different different. How do I use the new interface?”

AL’s answer for Excel 2007

AL’s answer for PowerPoint 2007

AL’s answer for Word 2007

Do you think ribbons are more effective than drop down menus? What other new features have you used in Office 2007? …Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , , September 27, 2007

CTLT Fall #1 Newsletter

The most recent CTLT newsletter, “Communicating for Learners,” is available online as a PDF. Here is a listing of what’s available in this issue:

For previous issues of the Center’s newsletter, see our archives.

Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , , , September 26, 2007

MyFiles: Easy File Storage and Access

(This is a re-posting of a previous post on MyFiles @ BGSU. See the full, original post here.)

BGSU has unveiled a new service for Faculty, Staff, and Students…

MyFiles is a network-based, file storage system. It can be accessed at, simply login using your BGNet Username and password. MyFiles provides 1 Gigabyte of disk space per person and allows an individual to store copies of important documents such as homework, notes, papers, and graphics on a system that is accessible from anywhere on the Internet.

What is MyFiles?

  • Files stored on MyFiles can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet through a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.
  • Files can be shared with friends, colleagues, collaborators, conference attendees, project team members, and others, both on and off campus. File owners are able to provide access that can be read-only or read-write, allowing for controlled access and collaborative editing.
  • Files can be tracked to see who has read the file and who has made changes to the file. MyFiles can even store multiple versions of a file to keep a history of revisions.
  • Files are secured by BGSU authentication username and password, and can be accessed by others only if the account owner gives permission. Access can be assigned based on BGSU usernames and passwords, or by electronic ticket that allows individuals not associated with BGSU to gain read-only or read-write access.
  • Files can be accessed by clicking on a designated web URL. Each file has a specific web URL that can be sent to others through email instead of sending entire files as attachments.

What MyFiles is NOT:

  • Not a place for instructors to store class notes for students, Blackboard should be used for this.
  • Not a place to share unauthorized copies of media or other digital files.

How could (or have) you as a faculty member or student utilize(d) MyFiles?
–> Click on the COMMENTS link below to post your thoughts!

1 comment Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , September 18, 2007

Reflection: Share Your Thoughts — "I’m Grateful For…"

For Teaching Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants:
As an educator at BGSU, what are you most grateful for so far this semester?

–>Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

6 comments Posted in  Discussion-Join In ,Reflections on Teaching ,TA-Teaching Assistants ,Teaching Tips September 17, 2007

Slideshare: The Show Must Go On! (and on, and on…)

Slideshare is a site for hosting slidecasts – a new multimedia format for viewing slideshow (i.e. PowerPoint) synchronized with a podcast. However, presentations do not need to contain audio to be viewed on It can be used for conference talks, musical slideshows, audio picture books, portfolios or whatever else you can imagine.

Slideshare can be an alternative to Blackboard, when you want your presentations to be available to a wider audience than only your current students or community members, such as conference attendees, colleagues, future/prospective students, etc.

Here are the simple steps to create your own SlideShare show:

  • Upload your PowerPoint presentation file to Slideshare
  • Go to edit slide show > Create Slidecast tab and enter your URL here
  • Synchronize slides and audio using the synchronization tool and click publish
  • Your Slidecast is now ready for public viewing on SlideShare or anywhere else you embed the presentation, such as in a blog, wiki, or other web page.

How could you use Slideshare to enhance student learning? What types of “shows” would you like to share or view?…Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , , , September 14, 2007

Ask AL- Wiki Tips

Question 1
How might I use a wiki in an educational setting?

AL’s answer for Mac

AL’s answer for PC

Question 2
How can I set up a pbwiki site?

AL’s answer for Mac

AL’s answer for PC

Do you currently use wikis in the classroom? If so, how? Can you think of any instances where wikis could improve communication and collaboration amongst your students?…Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , , September 5, 2007

TeachU Online Seminar Series for 2007-2008

The Ohio Learning Network (OLN) announces the 2007-2008 online webinar series. OLN’s TeachU webinars are hour-long interactive web seminars on uses of emerging technologies and pedagogies within the contexts of teaching, assessment, and student success. They’re also free! 

To register go to:

Additional Webinars in the 2007-2008 TeachU Series Include:

October 4th @ 2:00 pm:
The Web 2.0 Classroom: What’s Available, Where to Begin, and Innovative Integrations
Presented by Garrick Ducat, Mercy College and Terence Armentano, Bowling Green State University

November 8th @ 3:00 pm:
Stretching Into the Future
Presented by Kay Strong, Bowling Green State University

January 17th @ 11:00 am:
Creating a Course and Open Source Portfolio for First Year Students
Presented by Jason Tetzloff, Owens Community College

January 24th @ 2:00 pm:
Mobile Learning
Presented by Sheri Stover, Bryan Beverly, Frank Carone, Terri Klaus and Chris Roberts, Wright State University

February 14th @ 1:00 pm:
Reverse Benefits: How Teaching Online Improves Face to Face Teaching
Presented by Paul Pennington, Dean of Distance Education and Institutional Research, Cincinnati Christian University

March 20th @ 2:00 pm:
Making CENTSS of Web-based Student Services
Presented by Melody Clark, University of Cincinnati and George Steele, The Ohio Learning Network

April 24th @ 11:00 am:
Blogs and Wikis in an Integrated Curriculum
Presented by Lisa Meloncon, University of Cincinnati

May 29th @ 11:00 am:
Creating Hybrid Courses
Presented by Antoinette Perkins, Judith Anderson, Ingrid Emch, and Sharon Barnewell, Columbus State Community College

Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , , , September 4, 2007

Service-Learning Faculty Focus Discussion Series

These discussion based programs feature faculty talking about their service-learning courses and experiences working with all aspects of service-learning and civic engagement. For more information, visit the Office of Service Learning website.

(NOTE: All presentations take place at the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology @ 201 University Hall)

Thursday, 9/6/07, 1:00 pm-2:00 pm

Experiential, Transformational Learning Trips: Or two old (wise) guys take students on trips to places they might never go to on their own
Gordon Rickets, Director of Arts Village and School of Art,
Bill Thompson, Instructor, Continuing & Extended Education

These two presenters hold extensive knowledge and experience of incorporating experiential learning with undergraduate courses in both the arts and social work fields. [more…]

Wednesday, 10/17/07, 9:45 am-10:45 am

Report on the 2007 National Gathering of Service-Learning: The CSUMB Workshop Experience
Khani Begum, Associate Professor, English Department,
Kate Collins, Instructor, Theatre & Film Department & Chapman Learning Community

Returning from the recent Service-Learning Conference in Monterey Bay, California, these presenters will share their experiences and discuss their developing ideas regarding connecting service-learning with curriculum design and pedagogy development for the engaged college course. [more…]

Friday, 10/26/07, 11:00 am-12:00 pm
Service-Learning for the Introductory Experience: Field Experience in EDHD 201
Sansanee Ohlson, Instructor, Teaching & Learning

Every year, nearly 900 students engage in community based learning as part of their EDHD 201 Introduction to Education Class. This team taught course is designed to not only help students decide whether or not to pursue the teaching profession, but also to help impact a community agency during the discovery process. [more…]

What kinds of service learning activities or experiences do you include in your course(s)? Click on the COMMENTS link below to share your thoughts or ask more questions.

Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , , , August 28, 2007

Instructional Strategies for Blogging

An article by Ruth Reynard, Associate Professor from Trevecca Nazarene University in Tennessee, discusses the inherent, powerful learning opportunities for students when they reflect on their learning in a written fashion – in particular, through blogging. She states,

(w)hile the notion of “finding individual voice” is not new to the learning process, technology such as blogging has presented a unique opportunity for teachers and students to work intentionally at this process.

She continues, noting that

(s)tudent response statements really cover a wide variety of “types” that reflect the instructional goals of the courses. That is, when developing individual voice throughout a learning process, each stage of that process is often reflected in the students’ comments. I have described each of these that I have noticed into the following categories:

  • Reflective statements;
  • Commentary statements;
  • New idea statements; and
  • Application statements.

In a 2005 article Blogs in Higher Ed: Personal Voice as Part of Learning, Reynard expresses the importance of blogging for learning:

(f)inding personal voice as a pedagogical method is important to establish learner identity and focus, and journaling has long been recognized as an effective way to provide space for this to occur.

Furthermore, with regard to assessing student learning,

(t)he idea that more than one person will view the work is quite powerful in promoting a sense of ownership from the student. Teachers can also benefit from “hearing” the personal voice of their students to begin to really understand the learning path of each student through a course.

For more information about the basics of blogging in education, visit this page, organized by Drs. Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson or visit The Center’s Blog & Wiki Resource Page.

What has been your experience with blogging for learning? How can blogging be used in your teaching, research/scholarship, service, and engagement? What type of blogging assignments do you create for students?

Posted in  Uncategorized  Tagged:  , , August 22, 2007

The Center’s New Resource Page

Our newly designed Resource page is now available on the Center for Teaching Learning, and Technology’s web site. The new appearance was designed to allow the user to navigate various resources more easily. The page contains an organid set of resources located in sections pertaining to The Center, Technology Tools for Learning, The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, and Blogs and Wikis in Education. To view the new Resources page, click on the link below.

What other resources (Web or print) do you find valuable? Click on the COMMENTS link below to leave your suggestions.

Posted in  Resources ,Teaching Tips ,Tech Tips August 21, 2007

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