University System of Ohio Website

The University System of Ohio website is your one-stop location for news and information on institutions of higher education in Ohio. Keep an eye on this site for more details on the strategic plan and future direction for the statewide system.

Posted in  Learning Communities ,Resources ,Student Success March 19, 2008

2008 Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching – Traverse City, MI

(Forwarded from the Conference Committee:)
The call for proposals for the 8th Annual Lilly – Traverse City Conference on College and University Teaching is now open. The conference will be held Thursday, September 18 through Sunday, September 21, 2008. This conference has sold out each of the past four years and participants comment time and again that this is one of the best teaching conferences in the country.
Keynote speakers this year include Denise Green, Bill McKeachie, Laurie Richlin, Debra Rowe, Norman Vaughn, and Todd Zakrajsek.
The conference theme is Millennial Learning: Teaching in the 21st Century, and includes four major tracks: advancing active learning, teaching well with technology, cultural competency, and adult learning in nontraditional formats.
An integral part of the Lilly Conferences on Teaching and Learning is the number of high-quality presentations on improving student learning. Come share what has been successful in your classes and what you have discovered about facilitating student learning.
Click here to submit a proposal: The deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, April 14, 2008.
Please visit the Lilly -Traverse City conference website for more information about this conference:
We hope you’ll consider joining us in Traverse City!
Todd Zakrajsek – Conference Director
Sarah Scoby – Conference Coordinator
NOTE: Traverse City, MI is about a 5 hour drive from BGSU!

Posted in  Conferences ,Scholarly Communication ,Teaching Tips March 12, 2008

ODCE Conference: BGSU Faculty/Staff Presentations

The following BGSU community members presented last week at the 2008 Ohio Digital Commons for Education Conference (ODCE), which is sponsored by the Ohio Learning Network (OLN), Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC), and OhioLINK.

Colleen Boff & Gwen Evans (University Libraries)
Hi Tech, High Touch, Low Cost: Library Instructional Tools Across a First Year Experience Program

Terry L. Herman, Melanie Alt, Daniel Lemmerbrock, Christopher Pappas, Todd Pavlack, Christopher Pittman and Mark Stevens (College of Technology)
Virtual Learning Environments: A Look into the Future

Michael Kudela (IDEAL) & Garrick L Ducat (Mercy College of NW Ohio)
Creative Commons: Share Your Work, Keep Your Rights and Learn from Others

Connie Molnar & Carolyn Matzinger (IDEAL)
The Metamorphosis of Biology 101: Face-to-face to Online Course Delivery

Carrie Rathsack (CTLT)
Today’s Digital Tools for Enhancing Future Learning

For more information about ODCE or the conference events and resources, including the keynote address by Chancellor, Eric Fingerhut:

Posted in  Blogs ,Books/Library ,Conferences ,Copyright/Creative Commons ,Resources ,Teaching Tips ,Tech Tips ,Web 2.0 Tools March 10, 2008

Looking for Questions & Answers: Conversation Week 2008

As a follow up from the Questions and Learning: The Dynamic Duo workshop, here is an activity for your students to participate in or create your own list of the Top 10 Questions related to your discipline:

Top 10 Questions from Conversation (March 24-28, 2008)

For more information on using questioning strategies in the classroom, visit:

Facilitating Discussion: A Brief Guide
by Katherine K. Gottschalk, Director of Freshman Writing Seminars,
John S. Knight Writing Program, Cornell University

Fostering Effective Classroom Discussions
Jennifer Barton, Paul Heilker, and David Rutkowski, English Department, Virginia Tech

Question-Only Session
Stacey Osborn, BGSU

The “Pop Quiz” on Questioning
by Donna Sawyer

What are some critical questions for learning? Are there any “bad questions”?
Click on the COMMENTS link below to leave your thoughts!

Posted in  Active Learning ,Large Lecture ,Learning Outcomes ,Resources ,Teaching Tips ,Workshop Extension February 28, 2008

Podcasting with Gcast and iTunes U

We have had many posts about podcasting in the past, however, today we want to introduce you to a couple things you might not have heard of.


Have you ever wanted to add an episode to your podcast when you were out and about and not at home with your audio recording equipment? Have you wanted to interview people on the spot and create a audio files on the go? Well, now you can!

Gcast allows you to do mobile podcasting without having to have a laptop and recording equipment. You can do it all with just a phone!

BGSU iTunes U
The University has partnered with Apple to implement a BGSU iTunes U page. Before starting ,ensure that you have iTunes intalled; if not you can download it at Simply go to or click this link and you will asked to load the BGSU iTunes U page in iTunes. As a faculty member you can post your podcasts here and make your information available for free. Contact The Center at for more information.

Podcating Workshops
New to podcasting? Not sure what it is? Just need some guidance on how to effectively use it and create audio files? Find out how podcasting can be utilized in your course to facilitate or enhance student learning. Basic topics such as what is podcasting, how to subscribe, classroom uses to achieve learning outcomes, and an overview of what is needed to create your own podcast will be discussed. Common uses for podcasts include updating students on current events, providing information to students between classes, and recording lectures or review sessions so students can use them to study.

  • Wednesday, March 12, 1:00pm–2:00pm
  • Monday, March 31, 11:00am–12:00pm
  • Wednesday, April 16, 2:00pm–3:00pm

Visit our workshop page or click here to register…

Have you used Gcast or iTunes U? If so, how? Have you ever attended one of our podcasting workshops? How have you used podcasting in the classroom?
Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

Posted in  Podcasting ,Student Success ,Teaching Tips ,Tech Tips ,Web 2.0 Tools February 19, 2008

Scholarly Publishing 1.1? (On the way to 2.0)

According to a PBS blog post by Andy Carvin, a group of Harvard faculty recently:

unanimously adopted a new policy that would allow them to retain the copyright of scholarly research. As a result, students and the public at large could have much greater access to these materials online than ever before.

For more information about the transition (or transformation) in scholarly communication and publishing:

SPARC (Association of Research Libraries – Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) – including information on author’s rights (yes, you may have them… if you ask!) and open access is “an educational initiative that examines new opportunities in scholarly communication, advocates changes that recognize the potential of the networked digital environment, and encourages active participation by scholars and researchers to guide the course of change.”

How will changes in scholarly publishing and communication affect you?

…Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

Posted in  Academic Freedom ,Books/Library ,Copyright/Creative Commons ,Scholarly Communication February 14, 2008

2nd Annual Teaching & Learning Fair

The BGSU learning community is invited to present or attend the 2nd Annual Teaching & Learning Fair !

Date: Friday, March 14, 2008

: Bowen-Thompson Student Union, Lenhart Grand Ballroom and Rooms 314, 315, and 316

Schedule of Events:

9:00-10:30 a.m. – Fair Presentations (Lenhart Grand Ballroom)

9:30-10:30 a.m. – Discussion Sessions (BTSU 314, 315, and 316)

10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. – Welcome, Introductions, and Keynote

Dr. Shirley Baugher, Provost

Dr. Diane Halpern, keynote speaker

“Applying the Science of Learning in the Classroom and Beyond”

1:00-2:30 p.m. – Fair Presentations

1:30-2:30 p.m. – Discussion Sessions (BTSU 314, 315, and 316)

3:00-4:00 p.m. – Discussion Sessions (BTSU 314, 315, and 316)

For more information about the BGSU Teaching and Learning Fair

To register to present – contact information only is requested

Posted in  Active Learning ,Learning Outcomes ,On Campus Learning Events ,Reflections on Teaching ,Resources ,Student Success ,Teaching Tips February 11, 2008

Academia 2.0: Blog Comments vs. Peer Review

From The Chronicle of Higher Education – Feb. 1, 2008 (Link to article for BGSU community):
Blog Comments vs. Peer Review: Which Way Makes a Book Better? (by Jefferey R. Young)

“What if scholarly books were peer reviewed by anonymous blog comments rather than by traditional, selected peer reviewers?”

Noah Wardrip-Fruin from the University of California at San Diego is asking this very question for a book he is finishing, Expressive Processing: Digital Fictions, Computer Games, and Software Studies.

“The idea was to tap the wisdom of his crowd. Visitors to the blog might not read the whole manuscript, as traditional reviewers do, but they might weigh on a section in which they have some expertise…

“Ben Vershbow, editorial director at the Institute for the Future of the Book, concedes that comments on blogs are unlikely to fully replace peer review. But he says academic blogging can play a role in the publishing process.”

What are your thoughts on this type of peer review? What are the pros/cons/limitations/consequences?

…Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

Posted in  Books/Library ,Discussion-Join In ,Scholarly Communication ,Web 2.0 Tools February 7, 2008

Ask AL- Organizing Bookmarks

How can I organize my bookmarks (favorites) in my browser?

AL’s answer for Mac using Firefox

AL’s answer for Mac using Safari

AL’s answer for PC using Firefox

AL’s answer for PC using Internet Explorer 7

Did these tips help you to organize your bookmarks? Do you have any organizational techniques to share, that may help others?…Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

Posted in  Uncategorized February 6, 2008

"I Believe…" (What’s Your Pedagogic Creed?)

“THE isolation of the teacher is a thing of the past. The processes of education have come to be recognized as fundamental and vital in any attempt to improve human conditions and elevate society.”

Although this quote may seem to apply to our world today, it was written over 110 years ago by Samuel T. Dutton in the preface of John Dewey’s My Pedagogic Creed, (Google book link; PDF of the book) an essay on the role of education in society during the late 1800s. How much has changed?

In this short piece, Dewey states his beliefs on education, schools, subject matter, nature of method, and finally, schools and social progress–starting every paragraph with, “I believe…”

What do you believe about education today? What do you think your students believe about learning?… Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

1 comment Posted in  Books/Library ,Discussion-Join In ,Reflections on Teaching January 28, 2008

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