Posts filed under 'Uncategorized'

Excessive Email? Our apologies… We’re working on it!

For some reason, the one email we sent out about this site and our “gift-away” has been repeatedly sent… some tell us up to 6 times now! We have informed ITS and they are checking on this. Thank you for letting us know and understanding that technology can be quite unexpected at times. We welcome […]

Continue Reading November 30th, 2006

Excessive Email? Our apologies… We’re working on it!

For some reason, the one email we sent out about this site and our “gift-away” has been repeatedly sent… some tell us up to 6 times now! We have informed ITS and they are checking on this. Thank you for letting us know and understanding that technology can be quite unexpected at times. We welcome […]

Continue Reading November 30th, 2006


USB Flash Drive Gift-Away To show our holiday spirit and to celebrate our new interactive site, the Center is gifting a USB Flash Drive. From now until December 8th, everyone who contributes to the “Interact at the Center” discussion site will be entered in a gift drawing for a USB Flash Drive. In order to […]

Continue Reading 16 comments November 29th, 2006

A New Beginning…

This site is a remodeled version of our former: enhancing teaching and learning @ BGSU. In the spirit of interaction, we look forward to reading and learning from your comments, so feel free to share your experiences and expertise by simply clicking on the COMMENTS link below each post of interest. We welcome your comments! […]

Continue Reading November 6th, 2006

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Promote an institution-wide dialogue among faculty, staff and graduate students with an interest in teaching and learning - with or without technology.

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The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) @ BGSU looks forward to your engaging comments on issues related to teaching and learning.

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