Posts filed under 'Scholarly Communication'

BGSU’s Common Reading Experience

There are several adjustments that first-year BGSU students must make. Many new students will learn how to manage new responsibilities, make new friends, meet new expectations, and negotiate a number of other new experiences. One of the ways that BGSU works with new students and the adjustments to college life is through the Common Reading […]

Continue Reading August 3rd, 2009

“Lessons from a Plagiarist” – Dustin Wax

Plagiarism is one of the unavoidable topics that must be talked about in higher education.  Instead of discussing how common it is and/or how to detect its occurrence, according to Dustin Wax, there are significant lessons that can be learned from someone who plagiarizes.  Wax, an instructor and published author, believes that there are five […]

Continue Reading May 29th, 2009

Wikipedia Final Exam: Passed (Journalists Failed)

Below is an excerpt from the article about a college student’s inquiry into Wikipedia and journalism in the digital age. What he found out might surprise some of you or even cause a reconsideration of using Wikipedia in the classroom. Read the full article here. Here are some highlights (quoted here, not “lifted”) 😉 Irish […]

Continue Reading May 13th, 2009

Why All Professors Should Blog

David Albrecht, associate professor of Accounting and Management Information Systems, presented last week on “Why All Professors Should Blog.” He provided examples and led discussion about:  Why you should blog,  What you should blog about, and  How to get started.  A blog post he wrote a few months ago nicely summarizes his main arguments.  Now it’s your turn… […]

Continue Reading 1 comment April 13th, 2009

The 10 Commandments of Lecturing

We found this list of ten “commandments of lecturing” by Rob Weir interesting.  Weir generated a list of ten policies for instructors to follow when they lecture.  Please read the list and feel free to share your own ideas. I.  Thou shalt connect new lectures to previous ones. II.  Thou shalt move beyond chalk and […]

Continue Reading 1 comment March 24th, 2009

Disruptive Technologies or New Pedagogical Possibilities

This presentation, “Disruptive Technologies or New Pedagogical Possibilities” by Grainne Conole was delivered at the Eduserv Foundation Symposium 2008, in London, England.  In this video, Conole discusses how Web 2.0 has changing our learning and teaching paradigms.  She discusses how we need to develop new models to understand the relationship between pedagogy and technology. In […]

Continue Reading March 11th, 2009

Assessing Assessment

Inside Higher Ed’s article “Assessing Assessment” launches its discussion by stating that assessment and accountability movements are “alive and well,” and that colleges who think they can ignore them are “misguided.” In an effort to provide an overview or guide of assessment practices, the National Institute for Learning Outcomes and the Alliance for New Leadership […]

Continue Reading February 19th, 2009

Vella’s 12 Adult Learning Principles

In recent years Jane Vella has become a renowned and respected figure in the adult teaching field.  Vella’s 12 Principles for Adult Learners, spelled out in her known book Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach: The Power of Dialogue in Educating Adults, are highly regarded in adult education.  Below are Vella’s 12 Principles. * Needs […]

Continue Reading February 17th, 2009

Upload and share your work on

One of the leaders in online publishing is Scribd.  Scribd allows people to upload documents – which can be in the form of reports, brochures, books, spreadsheets, puzzles and games, etc. – to the Internet for sharing with millions of readers.  The website also allows you to discuss work that belongs to other people.  And, […]

Continue Reading February 3rd, 2009

Funding…Instructional Improvement Grant deadline approaching

The deadline for the Instructional Improvement Grant is approaching fast. The deadline for proposals is 5pm, March 2nd. Awards of up to $1000 are provided for proposals that lead to significant and demonstrable improvement in pedagogical skills and/or have a positive effect on student learning. More information and guidelines concerning proposals are available at: call […]

Continue Reading January 26th, 2009

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