Posts filed under 'Motivation'

Learning Styles

It’s no secret that people learn in different ways. The key to success in teaching is realizing that people learn differently and finding ways to incorporate different learning styles into our classes.  Recently, we held a workshop titled Pragmatic Practices for Teaching Assistants, Learning Styles that addressed how to assess learning styles and how to […]

Continue Reading February 26th, 2009

First Weeks of Class

As the semester is about to begin, it’s time to think about the most important day of the entire semester… the first day of class. The first day of class sets the tone for the entire semester. While most of us plan to simply go over the syllabus, there are other things that we can […]

Continue Reading January 9th, 2009

Ten Easy Ways to Engage Your Students

Are you trying to find a way to make your classroom environment more engaging?  In a College Teaching article, Tara Gray and Laura Madson provide the following 10 tips for engaging students: Always 1. Maintain sustained eye contact. 2. Ask before you tell. 3. Create a structure for note taking. 4. Let the readings share […]

Continue Reading October 15th, 2008

Motivating "These Kids Today" (Discussion/Workshop Extension)

On Tuesday, Dr. Jodi Haney presented a discussion session at the CTL entitled Motivating “These Kids Today” and challenged participants to consider their role in creating an environment that will encourage and foster students’ motivation to learn. The bottom line she stressed was that: “faculty CANNOT motivate students, as motivation is a personal construct and […]

Continue Reading 3 comments September 25th, 2008

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