Posts filed under 'Higher Education'

Google Books

Do you ever have a hard time finding books and sources to help you prepare for lectures and classes? Do you have a list of books that you would love to read, but just don’t have the time or money?  Could your students benefit from free book viewing online? Well, Google has launched something that […]

Continue Reading 1 comment November 17th, 2008

Breaking Down the “Pay Wall” to Scholarly Works: Michael Carroll Presentation

On October 31, 2008, Michael Carroll presented “Copyright and Your Right to Use and Share Your Scholarly Materials” at BGSU’s Olscamp Hall. His presentation was recorded, so be sure to set aside 60 minutes for this thought-provoking view of the coming shift in scholarly communication: For BGSU community – Click here to view (with description, […]

Continue Reading November 12th, 2008

Effective Group Projects

Collaborative skills are essential skills that students must learn in order to succeed in their chosen fields.  How can we teach students collaborative skills? Through group projects. While most students grumble at the announcement of group work, there are ways to make group work more rewarding and effective. In an article titled “Collaborative peer evaluation: […]

Continue Reading 1 comment November 7th, 2008

Have You Tried DiRT?

DiRT is the acronym for a new wiki, Digital Research Tools. DiRT offers an array of resources for grad students or instructors in higher education. This wiki is a collection of resources that helps scholars do everything from manage citations, author a multimedia work, or analyze texts. There are over two dozen links to different […]

Continue Reading November 5th, 2008

Promoting the Culture of Teaching

After dealing with the rigors of graduate school people who want to teach in higher education must deal with the stress of finding a job. Among the several factors that will influence their choices of where to work is deciding the type of institution — will they teach at a community college, a research-intensive institution […]

Continue Reading October 31st, 2008

Learning Community Updates – SoTL, Publication, & Library eTools

The Center for Teaching and Learning is sponsoring 13 learning communities (LC) for the 2008-09 academic year. Below are brief updates from four of them, regarding their accomplishments and future plans. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning LC (Facilitated by Jackie Cuneen and Mark Earley)The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning LC read and discussed anthropologist Rebakah […]

Continue Reading October 30th, 2008

P2P University

There is a small handful of education professionals who are joining a movement towards creating an online university. The fact that there will be an online university should not serve as too much of a surprise though, because of how common we hear about attaining a college degree online or because online courses are almost […]

Continue Reading October 23rd, 2008

Different Way of Grading Papers

Michael Nelson is a political science professor at Rhodes College. As a “guest blogger” for The Chronicle of Higher Education, Nelson recently wrote a short blog post that shares a different way for instructors to grade papers. Nelson writes that he intends to break a habit that he (and many other instructors) tend to have […]

Continue Reading October 15th, 2008

Ten Easy Ways to Engage Your Students

Are you trying to find a way to make your classroom environment more engaging?  In a College Teaching article, Tara Gray and Laura Madson provide the following 10 tips for engaging students: Always 1. Maintain sustained eye contact. 2. Ask before you tell. 3. Create a structure for note taking. 4. Let the readings share […]

Continue Reading October 15th, 2008

No More Blue Books?

It was less than a decade ago that students had to actually get in line at the registrars office at a prescribed time and date in order to add or drop a course. It was even less than a decade ago that note-taking usually meant writing by hand in a notebook. Today, as evident here […]

Continue Reading October 8th, 2008

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