Posts filed under 'Discussion-Join In'

Tips for TA’s

All you have to do is ask a second-year Teaching Assistant or Graduate Assistant who has taught, and they could provide plenty to say about how daunting teaching can be. There are issues of how to teach, what to teach, what to assign, how to write a good syllabus, etc. The list could go on.  […]

Continue Reading June 5th, 2008

Academia 2.0: Blog Comments vs. Peer Review

From The Chronicle of Higher Education – Feb. 1, 2008 (Link to article for BGSU community):Blog Comments vs. Peer Review: Which Way Makes a Book Better? (by Jefferey R. Young) “What if scholarly books were peer reviewed by anonymous blog comments rather than by traditional, selected peer reviewers?” Noah Wardrip-Fruin from the University of California […]

Continue Reading February 7th, 2008

"I Believe…" (What’s Your Pedagogic Creed?)

“THE isolation of the teacher is a thing of the past. The processes of education have come to be recognized as fundamental and vital in any attempt to improve human conditions and elevate society.” Although this quote may seem to apply to our world today, it was written over 110 years ago by Samuel T. […]

Continue Reading 1 comment January 28th, 2008

Reflection: Share Your Thoughts — "I’m Grateful For…"

For Teaching Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants:As an educator at BGSU, what are you most grateful for so far this semester? –>Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started! We welcome your comments! Join in the conversation!

Continue Reading 6 comments September 17th, 2007

What’s New for this Semester?

Are you trying something new this semester? Perhaps a new active learning strategy or a new assessment? Leave a comment (anonymously or with your name) telling us what new strategies you’ll be implementing this fall in your course(s). Click on the COMMENTS link below to share a strategy We welcome your comments! Join in the […]

Continue Reading 2 comments August 16th, 2007

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