Posts filed under 'Active Learning'

A Defense of In-Person Education

If you look through BGSU’s schedule of classes you probably have seen the online classes being offered every semester. Online classes carry the “Distance Education” label. Students have been taking online classes for some time now, and many students enjoy the online course format of the classes. It was not too long ago that the […]

Continue Reading 2 comments September 12th, 2008

Back To School

Rodney Dangerfield enrolled himself as an undergraduate in the comedy Back to School. In 2006 Martin Sheen enrolled himself at National University Galway. Roger H. Martin is a former president and professor of history emeritus at Randolph-Macon College, who recently completed his freshman year at St. John’s University for the second time in his life. […]

Continue Reading September 5th, 2008

Where Will You Teach?

Among the difficult decisions graduate students must make is what kind of college or university they will work for once they’re done with their graduate studies. The soon-to-be teachers/instructors must decide whether they will teach at an institution that has a premium on research or a place where teaching is highly valued. They may be […]

Continue Reading 1 comment August 27th, 2008

Perfect the Art of Teaching

Universities every couple of years have to “revamp” and revise their overarching ideas and approaches in order to better prepare their students for their lives after college. BGSU has different programs and goals, like the University Learning Outcomes, which are dedicated to providing a quality education while in college and after. Kim Mooney’s recent article […]

Continue Reading August 14th, 2008

Google Jockeying

If you haven’t heard of Google Jockeying, you will probably be hearing or reading about it soon. Its popularity is growing quickly in higher education. Here’s a quick example of how Google Jockeying works in the classroom:An instructor is doing their presentation on the American Revolution or some other topic. At the same time there […]

Continue Reading August 7th, 2008

Discussing Higher Education

Would you like to be discuss over 37 thousand topics concerning higher education with more than 22 thousand people around the world? Do you have a strong opinion about some practice in the classroom that you want to share with someone? The Chronicle for Higher Education has a discussion forum where you can peruse more […]

Continue Reading August 7th, 2008

The Teaching Professor 2009 Conference

In our most recent Center newsletter we featured a short “Visionary” piece on Maryellen Weimer. Dr. Weimer is the editor of the The Teaching Professor online blog and newsletter, which are dedicated to inspiring “educators committed to creating a better learning environment,” as their website indicates. The staff at The Teaching Professor also have a […]

Continue Reading August 1st, 2008

New TA Workshop Series

Starting this fall the Center will be hosting a new Teaching Assistants workshop series. The series will be discussions for incoming, current and former Teaching Assistants. There are all sorts of components entailed in being a Teaching Assistant and instructing a room full of college students, and the Center would like to work with TA’s […]

Continue Reading July 22nd, 2008

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

Nicholas Carr recently wrote an article for the Atlantic Monthly about what he believes the Internet is doing to people’s brains. Carr’s, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” asks the question over whether people are relying far too much on the Internet for instant access to information, and changing the ways we think and altering “our […]

Continue Reading July 14th, 2008

Rubrics=Student Accountability AND Efficiency

During this era in education, when standards are being stringently enforced and instructors are being held accountable for what they get done in their courses, the use of rubrics is becoming more common. They are a designed evaluation guide for instructors and students to use as a point of reference, with specific assessment criteria for […]

Continue Reading May 27th, 2008

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