BGSU MyFiles Announcement

May 8, 2007

BGSU has unveiled a new service for Faculty, Staff, and Students…

MyFiles is a network-based, file storage system. It can be accessed at, simply login using your BGNet Username and password. MyFiles provides 1 Gigabyte of disk space per person and allows an individual to store copies of important documents such as homework, notes, papers, and graphics on a system that is accessible from anywhere on the Internet.

What is MyFiles?

Files stored on MyFiles can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet through a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.

Files stored on MyFiles can be shared with friends, colleagues, collaborators, project team members, and others, both on and off campus. File owners are able to provide access that can be read-only or read-write, allowing for controlled access and collaborative editing.

Files stored on MyFiles can be tracked to see who has read the file and who has made changes to the file. MyFiles can even store multiple versions of a file to keep a history of revisions.

Files stored on MyFiles are secured by BGSU authentication username and password, and can be accessed by others only if the account owner gives permission. Access can be assigned based on BGSU usernames and passwords, or by electronic ticket that allows individuals not associated with BGSU to gain read-only or read-write access.

Files stored on MyFiles can be accessed by clicking on a designated web URL. Each file has a specific web URL that can be sent to others through email instead of sending entire files as attachments.

What MyFiles is NOT:

Not a place for instructors to store class notes, Blackboard should be used for this.

Not a place to share the latest ripped version of your favorite CD. Please remember that all use of BGSU’s network and systems must comply with all BGSU network usage policies and all copyright laws. Violations may result in your MyFiles privileges being suspended, and you may be referred to appropriate authorities.

How could you as a faculty member utilize MyFiles? How could your students use the service? Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

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One thought on “BGSU MyFiles Announcement

  1.    Ashley  |  September 27th, 2007 at 6:12 am     

    Does the CTLT plan to gather any data about how this new service is used? Do you plan any other assessments? If you do, we at Carnegie Mellon’s Office of Technology for Education would love to hear about them…

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