2 Weeks to Success

January 30, 2007

2 Weeks to Success!
Dr. Gary North has created a 2 week program to help get your mind in proper learning gear. These are excellent tips to survive academically! Read one lesson a day for best results. Lesson topics:
• The Number-One Study Technique for Mastering New Material and Reviewing Old Material
• Attitude and Academic Success
• Your Home Office
• Follow Instructions
• Budget Your Time
• Identify Your Less Important Time
• How to Read a Textbook
• Review of the #1 Learning Technique
• How to Take Classroom Notes
• How to Take Tests
• A Few Study Techniques for Exams
• How to Write, Part 1: The Book Review
• How to Write, Part 2: Start a Blog
• How to Write, Part 3: The Term Paper
• Wrap-Up

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