Reflections: TA Workshop #1

September 26, 2008

CTL would first like to say thank you for the participants who did come to the workshop. Your input, time and effort are more than appreciated. We’re really looking forward to our next discussion and are planning on seeing all of you again.

Here are some of the reflections that we took from our discussion:
* Most of you appreciated that there is some kind of forum where you can talk about being a TA here at BGSU. And, you were all more than willing to share some of your experiences and insight that you have had here.

* Many of you would like to be able to hear more from other TAs. You would like to hear what other TAs are doing in their classes, how they deal with certain situations, integrating certain tools and methodologies into your classes, and some of you expressed that you would like to see about making your classes more interactive and lively.

* Some of you appreciated it when instructors are open to getting feedback from students, so some of you discussed how you do the same in your classes. In other words, you appreciate an instructor’s willingness to improve and adjust, and many of you are willing to make the same effort.

* Finally, many of like any further input you can get about teaching from any reliable source.

We are adjusting our next workshop to address and capitalize on these promising topics. We are actually thinking about having you all share different unique practices that you implement in your classes, which could only help one another, as TAs. Our next two workshops are October 14th @ 1:30p-2:30p and October 15th @ 10:30a-11:30a. These workshops will be the same format and topics. We just have added another day and time in case more TAs come and having some flexibility to work with your schedules.

Please do not hesitate to register for the Teaching Assistants are Links workshop series by e-mailing or calling us. If these next two workshops go as well as the first one, we will have a wonderful time.

What are some suggestions for TAs? What are some topics we could discuss in our next workshop? We would love to hear from current or former teaching assistants!

Entry Filed under: Discussion-Join In,Student Success,TA-Teaching Assistants,Teaching Tips,Workshop Extension. Posted in  Discussion-Join In ,Student Success ,TA-Teaching Assistants ,Teaching Tips ,Workshop Extension .

3 thoughts on “Reflections: TA Workshop #1

  1.    Anonymous  |  September 26th, 2008 at 8:08 pm     

    what are some ways to not have to lecture all the time?

    also, what can i do about creating more active class discussion?

  2.    Anonymous  |  September 30th, 2008 at 9:59 pm     

    I had a great time at the workshop. I loved the idea about requiring blog postings in response to the readings. I’ll be using that in my class if I can figure out how. Hopefully we can talk about that at one of the workshops.

  3.    efficaciousoutlook  |  October 1st, 2008 at 9:16 pm     

    We’re glad that you came to the workshop and hope you can bring someone new to the next one. Please come and visit CTL anytime for help with setting up and/or using blogs in your course.

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