The Teaching Professor 2009 Conference

August 1, 2008

In our most recent Center newsletter we featured a short “Visionary” piece on Maryellen Weimer. Dr. Weimer is the editor of the The Teaching Professor online blog and newsletter, which are dedicated to inspiring “educators committed to creating a better learning environment,” as their website indicates.

The staff at The Teaching Professor also have a popular annual conference to further their commitment to higher education. They have recently released details on their 2009 conference. The conference will be held: June 5-7, 2009 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. The themes for next year’s conference are: educate, engage and inspire.

For more information on the conference, please refer to The Teaching Professor’s website at: <>.

You can also peruse The Teaching Professor website and newsletters at: <>.

Entry Filed under: Active Learning,Books/Library,Conferences,Higher Education,Newsletter,Service Learning,Student Success. Posted in  Active Learning ,Books/Library ,Conferences ,Higher Education ,Newsletter ,Service Learning ,Student Success .

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