Call for Presenters from the Office of Service-Learning Fall ’08 Faculty Focus Workshop Series

April 11, 2008

The Office of Service Learning is beginning to plan for the Fall ’08 Faculty Focus Workshop series. “If you have taught, are teaching, or are planning on teaching a service-learning course, we would like to have you participate in our series.

Here is a description of the Faculty Focus Workshop series offered each semester:

Faculty Focus Series
These discussion-based workshops feature faculty members talking about their service-learning courses and experiences working with all aspects of service-learning and civic engagement. If you would like to present in a workshop or know of someone who you think would be beneficial to hear from, please let us know!
Please email the Office of Service-Learning to volunteer to be a presenter or to make a recommendation — Call 419-372-9287, email or visit them online at

Entry Filed under: Active Learning,On Campus Learning Events,Resources,Scholarly Communication,Service Learning. Posted in  Active Learning ,On Campus Learning Events ,Resources ,Scholarly Communication ,Service Learning .

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