Scholarly Publishing 1.1? (On the way to 2.0)

February 14, 2008

According to a PBS blog post by Andy Carvin, a group of Harvard faculty recently:

unanimously adopted a new policy that would allow them to retain the copyright of scholarly research. As a result, students and the public at large could have much greater access to these materials online than ever before.

For more information about the transition (or transformation) in scholarly communication and publishing:

SPARC (Association of Research Libraries – Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) – including information on author’s rights (yes, you may have them… if you ask!) and open access is “an educational initiative that examines new opportunities in scholarly communication, advocates changes that recognize the potential of the networked digital environment, and encourages active participation by scholars and researchers to guide the course of change.”

How will changes in scholarly publishing and communication affect you?

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Entry Filed under: Academic Freedom,Books/Library,Copyright/Creative Commons,Scholarly Communication. Posted in  Academic Freedom ,Books/Library ,Copyright/Creative Commons ,Scholarly Communication .

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