Valuing Student Learning: What’s your Assessment Model/Theory?

December 1, 2006

It is undeniable that effective forms of assessment help improve the learning process by keeping the student and the teacher on the same track. We want to hear from BGSU faculty and graduate students about the multiple forms of assessment being used on-campus. What have you found that works in assessing learning beyond the traditional multiple choice testing and research paper writing?

Read More Information:
Bollag, B. (2006). Making an art form of assessment. Chronicle of Higher Education, 53(10). Click here for article

Types of Assessments

9 Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning. (AAHE, 1991).

Share your opinion and experiences by leaving a comment below:

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5 thoughts on “Valuing Student Learning: What’s your Assessment Model/Theory?

  1.    yakamashii77  |  December 6th, 2006 at 1:42 am     

    As an English instructor, I find assessment to be effective in the forms of journal writing or surveys I post on Discussion Board in Blackboard for semester-long student feedback. Periodically, I toss students an e-mail to ask if everything is okay.

    Ann-Gee Lee

  2.    richw  |  December 7th, 2006 at 7:21 pm     

    I like the idea of periodically asking for feedback. I once had a course in grad school in which the instructor gave us a course evaluation form mid-way through the semester. Our responses were anonymous, but it made a positive difference in how the course progressd for the remainder of the term.

  3.    richw  |  December 7th, 2006 at 7:22 pm     

    oops–forgot to add my e-mail and name:
    Richard Wisneski

  4.    Robyn Peabody -  |  December 9th, 2006 at 12:48 am     

    I assign my students homework with each reading. For easier articles they have to write the thesis and the supporting argumentation for that thesis. For harder articles they answer directed questions. This ensures students read and have some understanding of the material before they come to class. This creates more fruitful and in-depth discussions during class.

  5.    Champagne Lady  |  January 22nd, 2009 at 1:54 am     

    I agree that feedback is vital to gauge the effectness of you traching methods. Our students deserve to have the best possible learning environment to prosper. Let’s hope that there will be more money spent on education rather than sports programs.

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