What’s New for this Semester?

August 16, 2007

Are you trying something new this semester? Perhaps a new active learning strategy or a new assessment? Leave a comment (anonymously or with your name) telling us what new strategies you’ll be implementing this fall in your course(s).

Click on the COMMENTS link below to share a strategy

Entry Filed under: Active Learning,Discussion-Join In. Posted in  Active Learning ,Discussion-Join In .

2 thoughts on “What’s New for this Semester?

  1.    Anonymous  |  August 17th, 2007 at 5:13 pm     

    Something new for this semester will be the implementation of scenario-discussions to start each class. The class meets once a week, so students will work in the same group to discuss a possible scenario they could encounter as future teachers. They will discuss the issue and then come up with one or more possible outcomes, reactions, or solutions to share with the rest of the class.

  2.    Chris Eldred  |  August 18th, 2007 at 5:48 am     

    Moodle! I’m looking forward to using Moodle to collaborate and learn with my students this coming year!

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