November 29, 2006

USB Flash Drive Gift-Away

To show our holiday spirit and to celebrate our new interactive site, the Center is gifting a USB Flash Drive. From now until December 8th, everyone who contributes to the “Interact at the Center” discussion site will be entered in a gift drawing for a USB Flash Drive. In order to be in the drawing, you must make a contributing comment and include your name and email address in the signature.

The Center will draw the name of the lucky gift winner on December 12th and contact you if you win.

Gift–Kingston Data Traveler USB Flash Drive 128mb

Good Luck!

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  1.    Anonymous  |  November 30th, 2006 at 12:34 am     


    There really is no need to send so many e-mails regarding this. I received five directly from CTLT.
    C’mon now.

    Colin Helb
    colinh AT bgnet DOT bgsu DOT edu

  2.    Anonymous  |  November 30th, 2006 at 12:50 am     

    not sure how this works.
    It isn’t posting my original comment.
    Kate Lane

  3.    Anonymous  |  November 30th, 2006 at 12:51 am     

    Happy holidays and thanks for your help to faculty preparing for promotion and tenure. Your workshops are well organized. One thing that I would recommend is that you talk with specific colleges and tailor some of the tips to the specific requirements of these colleges within the university.

    Keep up the great work!!

    Amelia Carr

  4.    Avalyn  |  November 30th, 2006 at 12:51 am     

    Thanks for the updates and emails. Its always good to stay in touch with what is happening with the rest of the BGSU community and know that there are resources available when you need them.

    Avalyn Goodwin

  5.    Anonymous  |  November 30th, 2006 at 1:10 am     

    CTLT is always a place to look for help and suggestion with tech difficulties and teaching advices.

    The workshops are good for introduction to the topics. However, if there could be more advanced or in-depth workshops for the same topics, it would be of great help.

    And if you can provide a list of outside sources-tutorials, tips or troubleshootings (their URLs) for certain software like Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Flash, I bet it will benifit more.


    Wu Dan

  6.    Peihong Liu  |  November 30th, 2006 at 1:17 am     

    I like the idea. Why can’t we establish a forum for those who want to share their teaching experiences here in BGSU? Or we can just post a few tips on how to conduct a classroom more effectively or how to help students get rid of boredom in learning. I’d love to participate and exchange ideas with anyone who is interested in.

  7.    Anonymous  |  November 30th, 2006 at 1:23 am     

    CTLT workshops are a great help, especially for instructors who are teaching in BGSU. I always want to go to these workshops, only to find that the schedules conflict with mine. Can we think of a way to make the scheduels more flexible?

    Peihong Liu

  8.    Tammy  |  November 30th, 2006 at 1:31 am     

    I have to admit that I think we use too much technology these days. My brain is so fried after spending so much time in front of a computer. Studies have shown that concentration levels of students these days are down from past decades. Hmm, could it be the excessive use of computer technology? Would make for a good study.
    Tammy Mazure

  9.    Anonymous  |  November 30th, 2006 at 3:06 am     

    I must say that I am soooo happy that the CTLT is available to us on campus! My first experience was with the Photoshop workshop, followed a few weeks later by my attending the Digital Photography one. I learned so much, had excellent instruction and feel so much better about the fact that if I have a tech problem I know where to go!

    Ambrosia King

  10.    Anonymous  |  November 30th, 2006 at 11:40 am     

    I attend class at UT Health Science Campus, main campus and BGSU. I have been attending since August and haven’t heard alot about what rescources you have. My suggestion is to market more of your resources! If I knew what they were I would use them!

    Holly Nickel

  11.    -The Masked Doctoral Student  |  November 30th, 2006 at 7:27 pm     

    Ian (A.K.A. The Masked Doctoral Student) Borton thinks CTLT is a rockin’ place always full of tech and often containing donuts. Lovely.

    As I look back on my experience with the learning community of which I was able to be a part, I would advocate for an increase in the amount of time/resourses dedicated to tangible (or cyber-tangible) production followed by detailed discusion of the issues and concerns surrounding that product.

    -Ian (MDS)

  12.    Anonymous  |  November 30th, 2006 at 9:15 pm     

    I really like the teaching tips CTLT have been providing. They are really thought provoking and helpful. Wish for more over this aspect.

    I also attended several CTLT workshops, digital photography, imovie, photoshop.The faculty are very nice, patient and experienced.

    Fenrong Guo

  13.    Anonymous  |  November 30th, 2006 at 10:15 pm     

    I have attended CTLT workshops in the past, but unfortunately the times conflicted with my schedule this semester. I would love to see another workshop on effectively facilitating discussion in the classroom for those new to the teaching arena.

  14.    Jeff Gordon; Assoc. Prof. of Geography  |  December 1st, 2006 at 12:36 am     

    The various learning communities I’ve joined have all helped me, whether in the classroom, in my research, or just for their therapeutic value. It is just so nice to be with other faculty and staff who have similar values towards education and who are not only willing but enthusiastic to share their experiences and skills. Being in a workshop is truly to be part of a friendly “community” which has not otherwise been that common an experience for me at BGSU over the years.

    Jeff Gordon
    Assoc. Prof. of Geography

  15.    Anonymous  |  December 7th, 2006 at 1:54 am     

    As a graduate student, I highly value the professional development opportunities provided through the various computer program classes. I found the workshops on PowerPoint to be the most applicable to my growth as a scholar. Next semester, I look forward to participating in Dreamweaver and Photoshop workshops. Thank you for the high quality resources.


    Eddy Enriquez Arana

  16.    Terry Lion  |  December 8th, 2006 at 5:10 pm     

    This site looks like a great way to learn about new and inivative ways to lern and to teach.

    terry Lion

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