The 10 Commandments of Lecturing

March 24, 2009

Teaching and LearningWe found this list of ten “commandments of lecturing” by Rob Weir interesting.  Weir generated a list of ten policies for instructors to follow when they lecture.  Please read the list and feel free to share your own ideas.

I.  Thou shalt connect new lectures to previous ones.

II.  Thou shalt move beyond chalk and talk.

III.  Thou shalt not lecture like caffeinated hummingbird or a tree sloth.

IV.  Thou shalt not assume too much.

V.  Thou shalt link known to unknown.

VI.  Thou shalt be enthusiastic.

VII.  Thou shalt not be a pompous ass.

VIII.  Thou shalt not tolerate disruptive or disrespectful students.

IX.  Thou shalt not lecture outdoors.

X.  Thou shalt seize learning moments.

This is just a list of Weir’s commandments.  The Inside Higher Education website has more elaborates concerning each of the suggestions that he has for instructors.

Entry Filed under: Active Learning,Higher Education,Large Lecture,Reflections on Teaching,Resources,Scholarly Communication,Teaching Tips. Posted in  Active Learning ,Higher Education ,Large Lecture ,Reflections on Teaching ,Resources ,Scholarly Communication ,Teaching Tips .

One thought on “The 10 Commandments of Lecturing

  1.    Glenn Tiede  |  April 2nd, 2009 at 7:52 pm     

    Good suggestions all. I consciously try to achieve them in my large lecture-format classes. I’m curious about number IX, though. Is this really a common failing? I’ve never been tempted to move a 100+ student lecture classes out of doors, nor did I ever have any outside when I was a student.

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