Choosing Technological Tools

March 13, 2009

With all the encouragement to integrate active learning techniques into your teaching, it’s easy to get confused about what to use when. Specifically, deciding which technological tools to use can seem overwhelming. Three of the most common tools instructors use in their classes are blogs, wikis, and dicussion boards. To guide you in the process of choosing which tool to use, we have collected information and dveloped a chart.

It is important that you consider the answer to some important questions as you make your choice:
  • What is the purpose of using the tools?
  • What features are most important for you?
  • What level of privacy do you need?

The answers to these questions and others can be found by looking at the chart. Make sure to use the left-most colomn labeled “Topic” to guide your selection.

You can download the document here.

And don’t forget that you can always schedule a consultation at the Center for help on how to use your tool in class by calling the Center at 372-6898 or emailing the Center at

Entry Filed under: Tech Tips,Uncategorized,Web 2.0 Tools. Posted in  Tech Tips ,Uncategorized ,Web 2.0 Tools Tags: .

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