10,000 Visitors to Interact at the Center blog

March 8, 2009

This past weekend our Interact at the Center blog (originally started on Blogger) just passed 10,000 visitors. Our blog started out in 2006 and less than three years later we are proud to say that our “blogging” has been successful. We make efforts to publish interesting and helpful postings and we appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read what we have had to say. Thank you! Please continue to visit, comment on our blog, or leave suggestions for future posts.

Entry Filed under: Blogs,Discussion-Join In. Posted in  Blogs ,Discussion-Join In .

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Promote an institution-wide dialogue among faculty, staff and graduate students with an interest in teaching and learning - with or without technology.

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The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) @ BGSU looks forward to your engaging comments on issues related to teaching and learning.

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If you have any suggestions for future discussions, please email ctl@bgsu.edu

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