First Weeks of Class

January 9, 2009

Teaching and Learning
As the semester is about to begin, it’s time to think about the most important day of the entire semester… the first day of class. The first day of class sets the tone for the entire semester. While most of us plan to simply go over the syllabus, there are other things that we can do to motivate our students. In “101 Things You Can do the First Three Weeks of Class,” the author Joyce T. Povlcs, offers helpful tips to make the first three weeks of class start off on the right foot. Among the tips offered are:

  • Give an assignment on the first day to be collected at the next meeting
  • Administer a learning style inventory to help students find out about themselves
  • Greet students at the door when they enter the classroom
  • Have students write out their expectations for the course and their own goals for learning

To read more helpful tips that can be utilized during the first three weeks of class, click here.

How do you set the tone for your classes on the first day of the semester?

Entry Filed under: Active Learning,Assessment,Discussion-Join In,Higher Education,Large Lecture,Motivation,Resources,Teaching Tips. Posted in  Active Learning ,Assessment ,Discussion-Join In ,Higher Education ,Large Lecture ,Motivation ,Resources ,Teaching Tips .

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